Nov 04, 2007 02:13
So it's that nebulous point of time where you turn your clocks back, and you're never quite sure what time it really is, and if it wasn't for cel phones and computers that were smarter than you were, you'd really have no idea.
I like this hour, it's that hour that doesn't count, but does, but yet, somehow still doesn't.
(It's becoming increasingly difficult to hold back the things I need to hold back.)
Life is ok, I've been apartment shopping, and re-establishing negotiations with my mother on things of the living sort. Got my college schedule for next year planned out, and more or less continuing to kick ass at work.
For those who have been confused and only keep up with me via my blog, I did not get the game design job, and I'm back slinging drinks, just now at Friday's rather than the OG. At least it's more of a 'real' bartending job, and I have a lot more fun, and I get to wear my kick ass hat. And that's always a plus.
I've had a bit to drink tonight, it was apparently a special occasion, one that I have since forgotten.
(It's hard to have the courage to say something so important, but even harder to have the fortitude not to in order to benefit others.)
I think I need to sleep. My 10AM to 1AM shift tomorrow isn't coming any later, I've already gotten my free hour.
Sometimes I wish I was a normal boy.
But most of the time I'm glad that I'm not.