[MGW] 08 - How well do you know yourself?

Jul 27, 2007 12:46


I would’ve told you once that I know myself pretty damn well. Truth is, I don’t know dick about who I am.

If I did, I might’ve seen Baileigh Solis coming.

First night I met her, I should’ve known I was fucked...proverbially speaking, she took care of the literal shit later. But just *looking* at her...she’s everything a woman’s supposed to be. All that curly hair you just wanna bury your fingers in...you know it’s gonna smell fucking great, too. Girl with hair like that uses good shampoo. Those big doe eyes, those ‘kiss me’ full lips...and a *real* body. Dangerous curves in all the right places...

And she’s *just* like my fucking sister. All emotional and shit. Bubbly...obnoxious, fucking annoying as hell. Grates on me just like Kiki does. But she was cute, and she had a little bit of an edge...like Kiki. She put up with my bullshit for the whole hour we spent together, and there was some connecting going on. Like...good to go for date #2 connecting.

Y’know...before she slammed me against a wall and tried to tear all my clothes off.

I guess it’s a Slayer thing, but she got horny after I took her vamp kill, and so we got a room. Spent the night together...gotta be some of the hardest, hottest, most mindblowing rolls in the hay I’ve ever had.

Thing is...I don’t do that. Like...ever. I don’t sleep with random girls. I especially don’t sleep with random girls that spend ten minutes cussing me out before roughing me up and getting me off so good I damn near see God.

She’s flighty and temperamental. She loves cheesy music and she gangs up on me with my fucking sister to piss me off every chance she gets. She’s overly sensitive, obnoxious, and has a mouth that goes like a duck’s ass and does some other pretty spectacular things we won’t talk about right now.

She’s wrong for me...but before I knew it, I was in love with her. Puppydog, fairy tale, ass over teacup in love.

We’re wrong for each other...I thought we were. But she fits me so well it’s like a tailor made suit. And now I can’t be away from her for more ‘n a minute before I’m aching inside I miss her so bad. It’s like frostbite...when the heat comes, restores life, it hurts like hell until you’re all warm again...then the cold returns, and it hurts even worse.

She’s my warmth...she’s my light.

I thought I knew myself pretty damn well...then I met Bee, and I realized that I didn’t know shit about myself.

But I’m learning...every day I spend with her, I’m learning.


Muse: Cain Callahan
Fandom: Supernatural (OC)
Words: 464

mgw: challenges, muses gone wild

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