Title: When Lies Become the Truth
tiggeratl1Fandom: CW RPS AU
Rating: NC-17
Warning: bottom!Jared, swearing, rape/non-con, slash, h/c, violence
Word Count: 58,112 words
tornknees Summary: When Jared’s long term boyfriend takes him to an expensive restaurant Jared is hoping he’ll finally propose. Turns out his boyfriend is seeing someone else and wanted to ‘break it to Jared gently.’ To make matters worse, their gorgeous green-eyed waiter overhears everything and after his now ex leaves, offers to call Jared a cab home. Next day Jared gets a call from the restaurant to say he left his wallet and reluctantly Jared goes to pick it up, dreading seeing the kind eyed waiter again. However, it turns out the waiter wanted to see Jared because he knows exactly what Jared is going through. The guy Jared’s boyfriend was cheating on him with? That was his boyfriend. The waiter - Jensen, suggests a little revenge might be in order, after all they’ve been used and lied to, and how freaked out would their ex’s be if they were suddenly ‘together’ too? Jensen’s plan is simple - pretend to be in a relationship and show their ex’s what they are missing by acting totally in love with each other. Of course the old saying about ‘best laid plans’ comes true when Jensen and Jared start falling for each other for real, and their ex’s are not happy.