There's a line in our schedule were I said the final fics and art due November 21st.
Please send me something your wonderful work!
Note: even I said in the schedule that this will be the final deadline, this isn't mean you can't add things before your posting date.
Please send the mail to deadflowers (at) freemail (dot) hu
In the subject line put: Big BB
And please add this infos in the body of the mail:
The posting starts at November 23rd, and here is the option to choose your posting day.
Please grab a date between November 23rd and December 2nd, and comment here with your choosen day. (Either you're an author or an artist you can comment here, but make sure only one of you is claiming.)
Posting schedule:
November 23:
November 24:
melonbutterfly &
tulariaNovember 25:
wincest_whore &
tiggeratl1November 26:
melonbutterfly &
bibi_bloomNovember 27:
sparrowshellcat &
liliaethNovember 28:
yanzadracan &
tiggeratl1November 29:
kateyes085 &
reapertownusaNovember 30:
violetknights &
big_banggangDecember 1:
belladonnanoir &
placeofinsanityDecember 2:
not_from_stars &
enochiansigils &
queenmidalahDecember 4:
trinipedia &
rainyrocket ?
The required posting format will be up within a couple of days.