Fandom Wry

Jan 28, 2007 00:43

FIRST 100 fics of the GW section, with no limits:

1 - "Waltzes are danced in duo"
1x2, 3x4, 6x5 past Rx1
Oh noes Duo <3s Heero but Heero is sexin' Relena except the summary tells us that it's 1x2 with past Rx1 so lulz.

2- "Zoophilia"
1x2, 3x4 mpreg "sensitive issues" "ADULTS ONLY MATURE ONES PLEASE"
Rape, NCS, slavery, violence,

3- "Domestic"

4- "Scars"
Duo has scars and "in his shame ran away for five years..."

5- "Red Means Stop"
(No pairing yet, but guessing at a 5x2)

6- "My Daddy"
Relena's daughter has been kidnapped!!!!!!
Even better, it's written in script format!

7- "The Sky Blue Heaven"
"When Trowa's sister gets into trouble, he goes to settle the store. Eventual 3x4"
BONUS, Catherine makes soup

8- "Gundam Wing in Ancient Japan"
Mariemaia is a goddesss? Gundam Wing characters in ancient Japan?

9- "3x4"
Jee. I wonder. 3x4

10- "Irony"
a drabble about the irony of depending on machines.

11- "We all fall down"
one chapter and no real mention of GW stuff yet :D GO AU POWER GO

12-"While You Were Out"
3x4, totally a fusion with the WWYWO show.
LOL Quatre's the designer ;D Trowa is the... understudy carpenter? Quatre wears a camisole! DRAMA LLAMA FAITO! and apparently Trowa gets arrested.

13- "Touch"
1x2, 3x4 yaoi and yuri
Quatre and Duo crossdress as chicks.

14- "Wings of Change: How Not to Write a Fanfic"
Parody written I was I 12 years old.

15- "Amoris de Mortis"
Character death D:

16- "Operations"
"A/N: If you want to know what it looked like, have a peek at the gallery on Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. It’s the third picture in. According to this picture, GW is 1x2."

Duo is preg. with Heeros baby. A guy out for Duo trys to kill him and is obsessed with him.
1x2 later 3x4 &25 mentioned.

18- "Her Wicked Ways"
AU 3xR. They can't spell canon D: And it's from first person.

19- "Kodou"
3xR with a onesided 1->R.

20- "Secrets"
Duo says that they all have seekrits and he's gonna reveal his. DUN DUN DUNNNN. ... he can control the darknissssssss. The darkness which are really like the souls of the dead or something.

21- "In Nomini Patri"
No pairing, I don't think, but the only characters in and/or mentioned are Heero, Duo and Doctor J.

22- "Prince Quatre of Scotland"
...Wufei is Irish. 2x4, I think? Quatre keeps calling people beautiful, angelic and hot in his head. I also smell Relena bashing!

23- "Eulogy of Duo Maxwell"
"Death is no personality I conjured. He is real. We are one. Help me. Duo Maxwell not a death fic" GO SUMMARY, GO I have no idea what's going on, but Duo tried to kill himself at some point and time.

24- "The Great Escape"
Duo's POV... he's escaping in some AU world for something. I have no idea.

25- "Escape"
Duo gets captured during a mission and has to save him from freezing :< 1x2, with a hint of 3x4

26-"Love Comes on the Wings of Death"
1x4 and Duo and Trowa live in the same house, but I have no idea what's going on (again). Heero's a workaholic though.

27-"The Grand Cessation"
The GW boys are like "oh noes, peace cannot function" and luckily there is an enemy mining Gundanium. Woo.

28- "Another Chance"

29-"Twins 1"
MPREG, 1x2

30- "Desert Love"
Quatre needs a vacation and returns to the desert! 1x4

31- "Unstable"
Violence, angst, Jaded!Duo
Mission undercover at a school... I'm guessing it's 1x2. uh. Bodyswitching.

32- "Coward"
5x2x5 Duo yells at a soldier person, Wufei comes by

33- "Fishing for Friends"
1x2, Duo and Heero play a question game, in the dark.

34-"Shots in the Dark"
Duo/Hilde, they get drunk and apparently it's embaarrassing for her.

35- "Insanity"
1x2 with some 3x4 and 13x5x6
Relena bashing. ... Somehow Relena cutting off Duo's braid makes Duo angsty and screamy and stuff and she thinks she can get Heero because Duo is braidless.

36- "Harry Potter and the Forgotten Heirs"
Crossover. "Gundam pilots plus Draco attempt to go on with their lives as usual..." Sequel to their other fic. 1x2, 3x4, HPD(B) and RWHG (The B is because Draco got himself disowned in the last book, lulz)

37- "Solar Flare"
Quatre centric, has small children.

38- "Looking in a New Direction"
No idea, too many lyrics and not enough story. GUESSING 1x2.

39 - "Wish Upon a Star"

40- "estine Hearts of Two Lovers"
Zackary Yuy (son of Heero Yuy) is reunited with the love of his life from his past life, Eric Li. Just. Whut.

41- "Those Four Little Words"

42-"Promises of Slumber"
Relena/Heero, suicide

3x4 (it also looks like an implied 1x2x5)
LOL, the government tries to reintegration the boys into society through like, social workers and foster families, I think. Quatre's dad was an alcoholic that beat him.... and Trowa can feel Quatre. FROM SPACE. Or something.

44- "Music of Your Eyes"

45- "Death's Drabbles"
Short PWP about Duo.

46- "Ice Cream"
1x2, 3x4, 5x6 They are childhood friends and when 3x4 happens Duo thinks about what Heero really means to him!

47-"Those Words"
Insinuated 1x2, 3x4

48-"Playing Stupid"
Duo is in a coma and Shinigami runs around.

49-"To Be King"
3x4 (1x2) "The Barton tribe was exiled from there home, forced to live in the bowels of the jungle by the usurping Winner Tribe. But they will get their revenge. The successor of their tribe will grow strong and hard, and he will take back their homeland."

50- "The Ribbon and the Rong"
1x2, the sequel to THE LORD OF DEATH

51- "Watch the Spiders Spin"
1x2, 3x4 others.
AU, Duo has been sent to the palace to see if he'd qualify as the Prince's consort!

52- "Valhalla"
"Dorothy Catalonia lives by denying life, spurning everything she loves to embrace with empty arms everything she hates. When she reunites with Quatre Winner, she struggles to destroy him before he is defeated by a world unready to accept either of them."

53- "Dedication"
1x2, 2x1
"Heero made a promise never to kill again, but those around him don't understand and question his choice and his relationship with Duo Maxwell, who is both a Preventer agent and their hero."

54-"Never to Return: Beginnings"
Mary Sue. Zechs.

55-"Shadow of Sins Book Two: Fragile Rose"
"Lady Une, victim to a horrible serum, is coming undone. Can Treize save her?"

56-"Of Spirit and Servitude"
MM, Lemon, Yaoi WAFF, AU, OC
1x2, 5x13x6 I think

57- "Waves of Influence"
It has plot. Somehow.

58-"Endless Struggle"
More random literary quotes/references than we need :D More OCs than canon characters.

59-"Essential Elements"
2x1/1x2, 3x4, 5xS (waaaaaay later in the story)
"Warnings: AU-ish, yaoi, language, Duo’s POV"

60-"Untitles as of Yet"
1xoc, 2xoc, 3xoc, 4xoc, 5xoc

61- "Untold Secrets"
1pov, original characters up the whazoo. LACK OF USE OF THE SHIFT KEY.

62-"Act I: Forbidden Love"
Angels and Demons and Seraphs, Oh My! 13x5 as the main, 1x2 and 3x4

63-"Fire and Ice"
1x2, 3x4

64-"Two Weeks"
"Heero and Relena get talked into joining an online dating service and end up having their profiles matched. Watch as the two realize it's each other and fall in love in two weeks."

65-"What the Fuck?"
"What would you do if you awoke to four handsome men in you bed and they are doing naughty things to you? Well read this if you like to know what heero would do. 2x1 3x1 4x1 5x1"

Heero's depths


68-"The Sholaer's"
1x2, 3x4, ZxT, 5x? (No, not sally)
"Everyone must go through challanges of servival in there live. The G boys are no different in that asspect...but throw wings, and a dome into the picture and things just get better from there."
So, they're angels and like, rare and there are no females and the scientists want to see how they breed. ...apprently Heero is the alpha and doesn't let the others mate until he gets to, and then Duo enters the picture. ... uh.
Author’s Note: I’m going to say it know to get it over with so I don’t have to go threw a huge explanation in the next chapter, but the eggs come from Duo’s butt, (There small, and unlike real birds, the actual egg grows in size after being laid, my story I can do what I want.)

69-”A Brief Interlude: Random Thoughts”
1x2, 3x4
A short take on Duo’s views on life and living...and then some.

70-”Hear my Pain”
1x2 with background pairings of 3x4 5xundecided, one sided 1xR.

71-”The Perfection of 02”
The other pilots are captured and Duo has to save them!
I think 1x2 and 3x4...

72-”Just to Live”
Duo is all alone. But will that change as he runs into the other G boys or is his life to fall to ruins?

73-”Of Owners and Pets”
1xOC, 2xOc, 1x2 (All are friendship pairings or Owner/Pet)
Bioengineered pets... Heero is one. XD;
there are med and slave and common pets :D;

74-”No Title yet”
1x2, 3x4 5xD

75-”Out to Lunch”
It’s just ... out to lunch? People at lunch?

76-”You Can Do What?”
Gundamwing crossover with Harry Potter
Heero/Relena, Hilde/Duo, Hermione/Ron, Sally/Wufei

77-”Gundam Wing: My Way!”
I don’t know. Lack of coherency.

78-”As We Go On”
Pilots in high school. LOL Slash.
Trowa’s a goth. Maybe. And Heero is a vandal. And Duo plays football. And Quatre is preppy.
1x3. Heero’s dad is abusive and drunk and Heero’s had gang relations and stuff. And everyone does show up and there’s gaspu development.

79-”Yin & Yang”
Wufei gets tortured by someone.

80-”All the Pretty Little Horses”
Duo meeting Solo.

81-”Bittersweet Symphonies”
het and OCs, I think.

82-”The Secret Ball”
A retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses GW style. 3x4, 1x2

1x2, 3x4
Duo and Quatre are water nymphs and Heero and Trowa are fire dryads 8D

84-”Whiskey Lullaby”
1xR and some Relena cheating and Heero feeling bad and blah blah blah. Heero feels suicidal because Relena is a cheater and then gets with Mariemaia

85-”If Only”
Quatre has a HORRIBLE DISEASE and even if he doesn’t die he needs help.
... okay. So Quatre was raped when he was 8 and got AIDS. The authoress tells us that she doesn’t like older people ‘touching’ children that’s just gross so she made him ‘older’ after she stole this idea from someone else.
1x4 (and they have a cure for AIDS!)

86-”Kindred Spirits”
College student AU! Heero’s life is turned upside when he meets that special person! 1x2???

Heero has an ephiphany moment when his bff’s friend dies.

88-”Worth Fighting For”
2x1+2, 3x4,5+R, 13+6
Angst, OCC, lemons, yaoi, NCS, Child Abuse, Death
AU??? Seems like it.
“The Special Unit Core for the Preventers have never failed a case yet, but their newest case is a completely different matter. Heero Yuy has gone missing and its up to them to find him. But old feelings are getting mixed up in the case and it may lead to the downfall of the Unit.”

Duo is tortured
It’s a poem :D

90-”Christmas Eve”
5x2x5, 4x3x4, 1xR, HxOC, CxOC

91-”Petals of Stone”
AU, 1x2

92-”Storm Clouds Over Europe”
foul language, mainly on Duo’s part, shounen ai, mention of violence.

93-”Duo Maxwell and the NeverEnding Circle”
Quatre comissions Duo to find something.
1x2m implied 3x4. Influenced by TOMB RAIDER, since both Lara and Duo have braids.

94-”Flinging Ghosts Off Our Backs”
Quatre commits suicide and the ghosts haunt each other. 3x4. And he lies about piloting Wing Zero 8D;

95-”Journey Beings: Falling”

96-”Gundam Wing After the Fact 1”
...Stephanie Maxwell.

Duo is a captain with a mysterious past. His crew is an interesting assortment of people with various pasts, and secrets. Everyone's lives crash together on board the ship, where love is found and pasts catches up to them.
1x2, 3x4, 6x13

98-”Deadly Prussian”
Duo/Hilde, 3x4,

99-”Sea of Lost Memories”
Duo has amnesia!

AU, 1x2, implied 3x4, 6x5 past 1xR
“As a preventer, Heero is given a new partner. The catch? He has to raise him first. Incomplete.”
....kitty boys. and some angst and blood?

6x5: III
5x2: IIII
3xR: II
2x4: I
1x4: IIII
2xH: I
5xS: III
4xD: II
5xD: II
13x5: I
1x3: II
13x6: III
1x5: I
1xM: I
5xR: I

1x2x5: I
13x5x6: II
Unex13: I
1xOC: II
2xOC: II
3xOC: I
4xOC: I
5xOC: II

(One pairing per fic, OC pairings don't count, minor or past don't count)
5x2: III (3%)
1x4: III (3%)
3xR: II (2%)
2x4: I (1%)
3x4: IIIIIII (7%)
5xS: I (1%)
2xH: II (2%)
4xD: I (1%)
13x5: I (1%)
1xR: II (2%)
1x3: I (1%)

40% = fics with no pairings, orgies, pairings with original characters or threesomes

As you can see, 1x2 is rather huge in comparison to the other pairings. Might do plot analysis, later, but too lazy.
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