
Dec 05, 2006 19:57

Name: Trowa Barton
Nicknames: Pilot 03, Trowa does not believe in nicknames >:| (they're all nicknames, really...)
Age: We're going for 17, but it's debatable
Height: 160cm ('bout 5'3")
Weight: 44kg ('bout 98lbs or so)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Ethnic Origin: "Latin" … as in some place in Europe.

Physical Traits:
I know he looks tall, but he's really only 5'3".

And there's The Hair. Really, we don't know what it does. I'd say it goes one way… but sometimes it goes to the left and sometimes to the right and in zero gravity it goes … all over. BUT it will always be distractingly… unibang-ish. And there. Unless he gets a haircut and then my brain might melt.

He's also got a burn scar on his back. DUN DUN DUN~

What's Okay To Mention Around Him:
A lot of things. Trowa's a pretty mellow dude when it comes to random-ass stuff. HA more stoic than Heero. He's really the kind of guy who might have a reaction but he's not going to share it with you. I'm going to say about everything is okay to mention around him. He's more the kind of guy to hear something, think it over/whatever and then plant a bomb in your bed…. Than kick your shin, I mean.

Trowa can blow your shit up. Uh, he can drive probably almost anything (cars, trucks, I'm betting a good number of planes/boats/other vehicles) and every mobile suit he's encountered in Gundam Wing. Can shoot a gun, woo hoo, and since Heavyarms has a knife I'm assuming is fairly proficient with that as well, and punches Duo in the stomach prolly okay with hand to hand too. Mainly though, he can do impossible acrobatics, like a triple axel lutz sow cow sunshine flip spin. And jump really high. Trowa was raised by mercenaries so all misc. mercenary skills probably exist, like …cleaning and mending and cooking and basic stuff like that.

Infiltrating enemy forces is also something he's pretty good at. He worked as a mechanic for a while as well. Trowa can usually accept a role and go with it if he needs to be. Even convincing his own allies that he might have betrayed them (YE OF LITTLE FAITHwufei) He's also good at following orders. And good with animals, vicious lions kept for entertainment purposes love him.

Notes for the Psychics:
Nothing really. I imagine the Trowa psychic channel is pretty boring. He keeps his thoughts to himself. I'm sure there's a landmine of seekrit emo just waiting to get out, and Catherine (when she stabs him in the face) mentions that he wants to die (which seems to be common with all Gundam Wing characters) … I would assume he's pretty compartmentalized in there, in his head.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?:
Please contact me for the major stuff. I'm more reliably reachable on AIM (heir in actual) but sometimes I'll be on IRC too. Uhm, as for spitting/stepping on/other such things Trowa… might just let you. Unless you're perceived as a threat or he's back in suspicious bastard mode. So, violence this way may come if you do.

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact:
If you're Catherine or Quatre you get a THUMBS UP. Most other people will probably be met with apathy, resigned apathy or something like apathy.

What, you mean besides getting blown up by my boyfriend? Uh, depends on stuff. But please to be asking either way.
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