Agent to base, come in base! It was a trap! The package has been retrieved been I have been detected and they are in pursuit. I will return only once I have shaken my pursuers.
*The sounds of a short burst of gunfire.*
Backup is not required.
[ooc: Butler will be running around the City in an attempt to lose the people after him. Feel free to be
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Identify your location.
[[OOC: Butlers have to stick together, after all.]]
I'm .4 kilometers northeast of the center of the City. A cleanup crew may be necessary to dispose of the bodies.
[ooc: Solidarity!]
If it was a trap, make certain that the package was genuine before you return to headquarters. Agent Dark is waiting should you require any assistance.
Do not let your pursuers live, we cannot ill afford the Company knowing even of our existence.
Affirmative, I will eliminate all agents in pursuit.
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