Nov 23, 2007 13:29
So far today has been good. I still have not been called for a job yet, but I put in more applications today. I put in at Burger King, Pizza Hut, and Subway. I also applied at ABX air, the DHL hub in wilmington. I hope I get that job. It would be third shift, so I would be working between 12 to like 6 in the morning. So basically, I would be getting up when Tim would get home from work, and I would leave for work when Tim would go to bed, and I would go to bed when Tim got up for work. We would have basically the same amount of time together, and since my sleep schedule is already basically set for that job, it wouldn't need much changing around with it. And plus its like 10 bucks an hour, and I get like 500 dollar signing bonus after like 4 months (its like broken down in like 60 days 90 days such). And they have health insurance and will help pay for my college. So basically I would be making around 25k a year, benefits, and get help for college. So it seems like the ultimate solution to everything. And then I wouldn't have to worry about falling asleep with tim in the tiny bed, lol.
So I am feeling pretty good right about now. I am going to go and play some balder's gate now!