New York is all that harder to bare after such an amazing time half way around the world. I miss Alex. I'm facebook stalking the people I met in Taipei... Shhh. Don't tell.
But, things are looking up. I have an interview with an upscaleish tutoring company. They charge $100/hour. I would get paid only $50/hour, but still, that's a lot of money.
My principle says she's worried about me. She says she's worried about my stability. She says she's worried for my students. She says she doesn't see the wisdom in me continuing. She lists all the other first year teaching fellows that are still at the school; they are doing fine she says. I sit there a little amused and befuddled. Befmused in fact; perhaps amfuddled. She barely even cares that I was gone two days before break and the day after. She presses me to say something. She wants me to agree, that I am having a difficult time, I will never be a good teacher, and I should probably just quit and get myself off her majorly indebted payroll already. So I ask what I will be doing next semester. Will I be teaching the same classes? She says slowly, no, excessed teachers will not have a program. Meaning, no, I will not have to teach. I will have to sit in the teachers lounge and do administrative duties. Or something. Fuck. Yeah. Shoot yourself in the foot some more, bitch. I was all planning on quitting anyway, and now you're telling me I'm gonna get paid a teacher's salary to do more or less nothing. So... I will go to my interview but generally suspend my job search until I know what kind of nothing I'll be doing. I can hardly believe my good fortune. Part of my thinks she's still jerking me around and that I won't actually be excessed or something, but if Feb 3 rolls around and I'm teaching after all... You can guess what I will be doing. Getting the fuck out. And fast.
Also, here are some pictures.
Special Solstice Dessert
Mountains as seen from the Hong Kong airport. My first time setting foot outside the North American Continent.
Alex and I try chicken ass hole