Aug 02, 2006 12:26
Rigt then.
Helo. It's bene a wile. I down't ave muche tiyme for theese mashines if Im onest. I carnt be ar botherred sitin indoores at the keysboared wen thers werk ter be donne.
An thers plenntey of werk at the mowment an all.
Sinsce I cayme backe from Franse, I avvent stoppde. It were verey nise ter see Owlamp thow. I ave agrede ter go back layter in the sumer ter give her an and with the flyin orses. Shes verry prowde o them orses is my Owlamp. An it werre luveley ter see her. I was verry pleesed an hapy that Hedmisstress Magonagale let me go.
Prefesser Snape an I ave setled our diffrinses. I ad a bitt o a thinke arfter our alltercayshun, an I rekkon e's probbley allrigt. Hes beene a yew now wat for yerrs an I aiynt nevver ad no probbleme with him affore. An as I sayd to yung Harry, back in his firrst yer, Sevverus Snape is a Hogarts perfesser! An that menes that Prefesser Dumbledorre trusstes him.
It is eezy ter ferget that, wen Dumbledore aint abowt aneymore. I wishe he were.
Dam thatt Dayley Profit fer maykin trubble. I downt rekkon I'll be beleevin thinges I reed in the newspappers aneymore. I allays sed theye were ownley gude fer wun thinge, an thates fer linin jarvey cayges.
So anyhowe, old Snape, he warnts me ter bilde a forrge, an I'll be werkin on that fer the necst few days.
Aneyhow, if aneywone needes aneythin doin, I'll be at the warter mille fixin the weel. Its gettin a bit stiffe, and bestt it is donne beforre it nedes it doin. I allso has my susspishiuns that the neyburrin farm as got a rigt narsty case o slumpey belley, an I warnts ter make sure it downt afect our sheeepe.
Is it jusst me, or have alle them chyckkens at the Kipennrose bene a bit noysey jusst laytley? Maybbe it be summethin in theyre feede? Sumetin elsse fer me to kepe a bit of an eyye on I especct.
Rigt, welle, I besst be orff.
Miynde wat yer up to.