(no subject)

Jul 30, 2008 01:33

Rigt then.

Sorry fer the delay in reportin an all, I bene a bit bizy with a few jiyants. Downt wury, theye's all turrnd tayle an runn backe up Northe as sune as I towld 'em that Yew Nowe Who was defeetid. They's a bit slow ter catche on, jiyants, if yer gets my meenin.
Hogwartes grownds are now cleer and sekured. Any remaynin Dethe Eters ave scarperd, alonge with alle them gobllins. I havvent sene eny wirewolfes meselfe, butt that downt mene theys all varnisshed. Thares stil reportes of deymenters in Hogsmede an all, an the forst remayns unsayf. Be on yer garde.
The grate hall is inacksessible, but the remaynin parts of the carstel are sayfe innuf to entare. Notte that thares mutch lefte of the carstel at this tiyme. Be caireful on the starecayses, they looke as thowh theys abowt ter colapss.
Tha's abowt it fer nowe. I'll be gowin backe ter the Hall to wayte fer the hedmarster this evenin, an if thare's no sihgn of him by termorrer mornin, I rekkon I'll be braykin downe them doores meself.
If anywun of yer needes a hand with anythin ellse, juste yew let me knowe.
Be cairefull owt thare, it aiyn't ovver yet.
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