What a weekend!

May 07, 2006 21:29

It has been a while since I have put an entry on here but life has been kind of complicated lately. A little over a month ago I was in a car accident (not my fault). Needless to say it has been a hassle with the other insurance company which has unfortunately led us to hire a lawyer. My job is suffering, my house is suffering, and my husband is always suffering. I am doing physical therapy and it has been quite painful. It has helped but I am going to be going to my doctor to see if there is something else that needs to happen to make me feel better. The biggest blow about all of this is that the doctor has told me that we have to put off trying for children. It's hard, I want a baby so bad and I feel very alone and extremely sad.

My mom has the flu this weekend so much to my sadness we were unable to do Bloomsday this year (among other reasons). On Friday I had to take Bailey to the Emergency Vet Clinic and she is still there tonight (Sunday night), we went and visited her today for about 2 hours and the doctor says he thinks that it helped her. She is off to have an ultrasound tomorrow of her kidneys, pancreas, and liver. Hopefully it will just show inflammation or a small infection, something easily fixed. It has been a really bad weekend for her.

Oh yeah, we had a work day at church yesterday and my car got hit while it was minding its own business sitting in the parking lot. Now my passenger door only opens about 8 inches. So I can now get in the door Dukes of Hazzard style. Good times, good times.
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