I read this a bit ago ->
I am really shocked by the NSA conspiracy. Aren’t you? Through this whole thing, I have been amazed at the level of outrage. You'd think that nobody had been paying attention since the early 90's with Carnivore and Eschelon. Its like nobody paid attention to Cointelpro, nobody paid attention to the Clinton warrantless taps and nobody paid attention to history.
I also think the same people who're shocked are the same people who proclaim "well, I don't care, I don't have anything to hide" which is amazingly infuriating. It doesn't matter if you have nothing to hide, you'd be outraged if someone walked in your front door and asked to poke through your medicine cabinet, except the wiretapping is way more intrusive.
Then again, look at the laws we allow to pass - arbitrary restrictions on food, laws that regulate morality, laws that create false senses of security - they all need to go. Anyone who's willing to legislate on issues of personal choice should be drummed out of office because they probably have no qualms about violating your privacy.