My gums are mighty ticked

Jan 25, 2006 15:12

A few hours after visiting the dentist, I'm finally brave enough to attempt eating - nothing al dente however - leftover squash/carrot/ginger soup (which came out lousy on account of the squash being meh) and tortilla chips soaked into it.

The hygeinist was very apologetic as she dug deep, but there's nothing settling about seeing in her protective visor a nice puddle of blood in your mouth.  Teeth are way more complicated than they should be; I'm even fastidious about my teeth and I still get the scraping of a life time.

I presume this is typical of dentist visits; it has been my experience that I get 99.99% of benefit from visiting the hygienist; the dentist flounces in, pokes my teeth, says "They look healthy, you should buy this service" and leaves, having really offered nothing of interest to me.  I asked about my front left incisor, which has eroded down a bit, and he basically said, "yeah, nothing can be done for it.  But you should get Invisilign, here's a promotional video clip and a brouchure.  Bye now."  I asked Amanda, my hygienist about it, and she explained that it was $4k, not covered by insurance (which works, because I have no dental or eye coverage).

The annoying thing is that my teeth are largely neat and orderly.  I have two lower incisors that, truthfully, bug me a little bit, but they don't show when I smile.  Had the dentist asked, "Say, I notice that your lower teeth there are overlapping, do you want to do something about that," I might have been more willing to entertain suggestions.  Getting "Yeah, nuts to your interest, here, buy this service" as an appraisal of my oral health ain't selling me on jack.

Do consider wowing your hygienist on savvy terms like "pre-molar."  Mine was a lot more chatty about my dental information after I offered that I knew my way around mammalian dentition.
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