Moving to Blackwater

Aug 27, 2009 22:10

Game is up and running again with NL, OFB and FT. I've managed to salvage most of my favourite sims from my old game too. Spent the past few days re-building Blackwater with a veritable shitload of plasticbox lots. I'm going for a lot more businesses this time around, making my neighbourhood more balanced (like, only one person in the Politics career track because obviously you can only have one Mayor of Blackwater!) economically.

First to move in were Fig and her boyfriend Amos. Fig is now running her bookshop Fig Leaves as a home business as I moved them into a little rundown warehouse which is perfect for it.

Amos clearly thinks that getting on down with his bad self is a good way to attract customers.

Fig begs to differ. Amos - stop thrusting yourself into the counter.

My favourite model Mattie is sharing a place with her new friend Verity. The girls are meant to be on the hunt for prospective partners but it seems the local wildlife has distracted them somewhat.

Verity gets the first notches on the... erm... sofa with Harry. Trouble is, then Harry took a liking to Mattie.

Not enough of a liking to actually let her kiss him, mind you. They have more chemistry than him and Verity so I figured I'd let things run their course and see what happens.

Ana, one-time granddaughter of my piss-take Edward Cullen sim. Nowadays she runs a little home salon which makes just enough money to keep her in stompy boots and hair dye.

It's very tiring cutting the same people's hair 4 times a day.

Sierra Zeppelin is all grown up! And married! And suffering so much with morning sickness that she's impaled herself through the bathroom door. She got pregnant on the first night in the new house, thanks to ACR. Bloody family sims.

Sierra's gorgeous husband, Gilbert. Who I was pushing for Mayor but he lost his job on the first day.

He wasn't the only one who got fired either. Poor Nyx Bueller. Len wants to be Captain Hero but right now he's "working" as a Pickpocket because I needed to find him and Nyx jobs that didn't clash so someone would be at home with Vega. Who I forgot to take snaps of. She's just as cute as ever. :D

Meanwhile, back at Mattie and Verity's....

Verity met Evadne* and "lost interest" in Harry. Mattie rolled 'Get engaged to Harry' and I stupidly thought things might work out nicely.

Harry rolled 'Get engaged to Verity' and I nearly snorted my tea when they got busy on the sofa just as Mattie was getting home from work. Yeah, you just read your paper there, never mind those two....

Except - uhoh! I think Mattie just heard the little lullaby too. DAMN YOU ACR D:

* I made myself a Discworld-themed townie namer package thingummy so I've got brilliantly named sims like Evadne Weatherwax here, and Ana's current squeeze Walter Vetinari wandering round my 'hood. Awesome.

blackwater, snapshots

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