
Aug 04, 2009 23:15

So I no longer have Sims 2 on my laptop.

I'd been having issues with it for a few weeks, blue screens of death galore, freezing, refusing to start up until you gave it a nasty poke with a big stick. Until Sunday when no manner of poking/coaxing would get it to start. Reformatted hard-drive means goodbye to everything I hadn't managed to save onto my flash drive before then. Luckily I'd just done a backup of the game so I won't lost the Gallifreys (although they'll only be back in a pared-down form when I reinstall anyway) or the Zeppelins or my beloved Fig Newton! Downloads folder is gone though, which included all my obsessively geneticized eyes and skins. I wouldn't mind so much except that I also lost my newest multi PT kit and the Excel document with all my genetics info in it.

Laptop it running so well right now with only iTunes and Firefox on it that I'm too scared to reinstall my game yet. Never mind the countless hours I'll have to spend re-doing all that work in SimPE. Eurgh.

not a happy bunny, random as

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