do not adjust your set

Jul 03, 2009 19:27

Yeesh, it's been forever since I posted anything here yet again. I have been playing on and off, every now and then I get an urge. RL is kinda busy though and add to that the horrible computer issues I've been having lately - I just don't spend as much time with my Sims as I used to.

Just wanted to post some pictures of Blackwater, the neighbourhood I've been playing most recently. Once I've got my game sorted out (when is it ever completely sorted?) I'll have 3 neighbourhoods: Hamptonville Redux which houses the few old sims I saved from when I first started the game again 18 months ago. This one I play prosperity style. The Island where my Zeppelin and Gallifrey legacies live. On a side note the Gallifreys are totally boring me. I'm fed up with ISBI and so I haven't played them forever. Needs a bit of a re-jig methinks. And finally Blackwater which houses just about everyone else. Here are some recent snaps from there.

These won't be new to anyone who haunts the Sluts or GQ threads on GoS ;)

My newest sim, Fig Newton. I find the name amusing because they're just called fig rolls over here. The name just popped into my head very late (or early) one night over the weekend. Copious amounts of red wine and Doritos might be to blame. And of course now I get to make lame awesome jokes like "This is how Fig rolls." XD

Fig is a stupidly shy popularity sim who loves making robots that don't always work. She also owns Blackwater's bookstore, Fig Leave. Arf.

Nyx Bueller, of the bushy eyebrows and squishy nose. I've been trying to deliberately go out of my comfort zones in BS lately and with the gorgeous new Peau skintones I can now make darker skinned sims that I'm really quite proud of.

Nyx's husband Len. I am so in love with him! Could be the ginger hair, could be the freckles but he doesn't help matters by being such a sweetie in-game too. I have a daft amount of snaps of him.

Really camp mime. Believe me, he's straight as an arrow. Him and Nyx are both family sims with 4 kids and one more on the way.

Teaching nursery rhymes. I still find this action completely adorable.

Anton, the eldest of those 4 kids. Nico the cat doesn't seem to mind sharing his bed with a stinky toddler.

In fact, Anton got quite grumpy when the cat wandered off for a scratch.

Teenage Anton! He has quite a unique squishy face going on there. He was a very dull child though, so I picked Romance for him to try and shake things up a bit. No such luck yet.

#2 Gale is even more boring so you only get one picture of him.

Third child, Vega. I love her to bits. She seems to have inherited almost maximum points for each personality trait from her parents. Being a bit active and crazy means she tends to fall asleep before dinner and then get up at 2am though.

Current baby of the family, Sorrel. She's a chipmunk cheeked bundle of cuteness. I'm hoping for a bit of diversity between her and Vega when they grow up.

The basic idea I had for the Bueller family was to test out all my skintones. I made Len with the lightest, and Nyx with the darkest. I was trying to get each kid with a different skintone but I buggered it up with the girls. Those freckles don't show until toddlerhood!

Blackwater is also home to Fuschia Pinkerton, Dale Ravensdale (a tweaked selfsim), Bobby & Mina Pin and a few other sims I downloaded from various places. I should have some more snaps very soon if my laptop doesn't explode in the meantime.

blackwater, snapshots

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