oh my...

Apr 22, 2009 11:19

Yegads it's ages since I posted the Gallifreys! I'm so sorry. I miss them. Thing is, I'm so busy with uni work at the moment. Well, not right this second because I've just finished a paper but I have tons of reading to do for each unit so I'm only loading up my game for the first time in WEEKS right now.

I kept banning myself from playing so I could concentrate on work. I'm glad I did because I just got my mark back and it's awesome even if I say so myself. :D

So. Long story short - uni will continue to kick my arse but I SHALL PREVAIL! The beautiful Gallifrey twins await.

I have an idea what I want to do with the family, but it means cheating on the whole ISBI rules. I'm going to have to control other sims that aren't Fionn. But! I have decided that I will just direct them as little as possible, not to satisfy any needs or anything like that. It's just for story purposes.

Update hopefully very soon!

random as

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