Jun 24, 2005 13:45
Okay, so after so many years of saying that I want to be a database administrator, I suddenly realized that dba really isn't my dream job. This came as a huge surprise to me! I was sitting at my desk at work, setting up an account in Oracle, and thinking to myself how much easier it is to work in Oracle on a UNIX machine (where sqlplus behaves more like a standard console application, as opposed to sqplusw's hybrid console/graphical setup). And I realized that, while Oracle is cool and fun and all, what I really like to do is play around in UNIX. And I realized that I should be concentrating on finding a UNIX administration job.
I decided that I wanted to get into the dba field back when I was finishing up my bachelor degree at Regis, so somewhere between fall '98 and fall '99. Since that time, however, a lot has changed. I've had a lot of different and various work experience,and have found that, consistently, everything that I like to do at works revolves around UNIX. It'd be just about a perfect job for me.
And so I must now make some alterations to a few things. I need to make some minor changes to my goals. I need to re-write a fair part of my resume. I need to update my search agents on Dice.com. And I need to figure out just what I need to do to get into a UNIX admin department somewhere. Anyway. Supporting any flavor of UNIX.
I love having career direction! :D