Oct 01, 2004 13:17
I don't really like to talk about politics. They annoy me. But we're getting close to the election, so I thought I'd let you all know where I stand.
Unless something amazing happens at one of the upcoming debates, I'm not voting this year.
Let me explain. Truth be told, I'm glad Bush is our president right now. Iraq and all is important, because it's current, but the most important thing that happened in this past presidential term, hands down, was 9/11, and I think Bush handled it better than Gore could have. For all his other screw-ups, that is enough for me to endorse his last four years.
That being said, Bush is a fucking moron. He looked like a monkey on the TV last night. He's also made a few questionable-at-best decisions during the last term. So, while I'm glad we had him when we did, I'm not going to vote to put him back in office.
Kerry, on the other hand, is a pompous ass. Last night, the moderator asked him something to the effect of "So, which of the president's decisions in the past term do you disagree with?" and Kerry answers, " *chuckle* Wow, where should I begin?" I wanted to smack him upside the head. Have some class, man. I know he's your opponent, and you probably don't agree with him on some stuff, but you don't have to act like that. Also, I don't really find myself saying "Yeah! That's what we need!" whenever he describes what his policies are. And truthfully, I don't think you guys do either.
See, from hearing what my friends on LJ have to say, and what people I talk to during my day have to say, I've noticed something. In my experience, 90% of Kerry supporters like him for one reason: His name is not "George W. Bush."
If you're old enough to vote (I believe all of you are), it's your right to vote as you wish. For me, however, "Anybody but Bush" is not enough. We all saw four years ago how much our votes count. This year will probably be an even closer election. I don't want to vote for Bush, but that doesn't mean Kerry gets my vote by default. Sorry. This isn't an election for class president, it's for Commander-in-Chief. That demands that you EARN my vote. Neither candidate has, so neither one gets it.