More than you ever wanted to see

Jan 06, 2004 17:23

Well, we finally got a printer/scanner situation that works and is capable of keeping up with our constant lifestyle changes. (Really, all this going from super upper class to living on the minerals in dirt is getting tiring.) Of course, the minute that we got it all hooked up, we decided that it was simply imperative that we scan a million photos and make as many people as possible gaze at their wonderfulness.

The real trick, of course, is learning the art of the infamous "LJ cut". (insert spooky and danger-inducing music here)

We, contrary to the popular belief of people who may or may not exist, are NOT good with what we like to call "technology" or "computers" or "things that aren't us."

Shall we give it a shot?

this is us and a wonderful example of white trash named Pam. She hated us. We hated her. Why are we posing for this picture? Well, if we didn't, we wouldn't have it.

Oh, look... it's Thanksgiving 2002. For your viewing pleasure, we present (R to L) Nathan (Sarah's baby brother), Sarah's mom, Biffy, and JJ

why the hell did we post this?? it's totally gonna be our album cover.

the best picture of Sarah's mom ever to exist in this dimension.

oh, look... it's punk rawk sarah looking jolly

(R to L) Bif's mom (Big D), Nana (NAH-knee for the uneducated), and Clu (CLUH, aka Claire, aka Bif's super excitable younger sister)

High school Sarah with her baby brother... wow... check out the smoking angst

Nate Dawgg again, this time with Alyssa (of Wild Dogs fame)

It's a Hudacin Christmas (WHAT??), or, 3 Jews and a Dad

Sarah being so goth that color wasn't an option

The only picture in our possession of Sarah's middle younger brother Dave... that's right, ladies... he's SINGLE

Sarah as a crusty punk... not the cutest of the cute, but yeah... PUNK RAWWWWWK

Bif was in love with cigarettes long before the smoking actually started. Here's the evidence... and Sarah's old junky living room.
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