Nov 06, 2003 14:35
Well, kiddies... it only took us a little over 2 months, but we've managed to be "de-friended" on the ol' live journal HOUSTON STYLE. Basically this is the same as the times we've been de-friended before (oh, yes, we're old hats at this game) except with a lot bigger belt buckles and more people saying things like "Round 'em up little dawggies!"
Well, we THINK that's what they say in Texas. I suppose that we'd have to leave the apartment a bit more to know for sure. After running into the de-friender at the video store, though, we'll stick to watching terrible tv at home and not answering the door when people knock.
Oh, we're cool. And popular. Don't kid yourselves.
~Sarah (the coldest, meanest, bitchiest, butch-a-holic femme who has ever and will ever live)
(well, according to some sources, anyway)