Jan 20, 2006 08:52
I am getting kind of upset that 'Fall Out Boy' is turning into a guilty pleasure band for me. I really don't want them to turn into a Blink-esque band. I'm not too worried about the music part of it, just the 14 year old screaming girls that make me bleed from my ears, that's the part I don't like. I hate MTV.
Also, the Timberwolves need to trade somebody and quick. I'm sick of hearing all of this trade talk and nothing happens. It's boring. I think if I were a GM I would either hoard all of my players or I would make a crapload of trades. It all depends on how much I like the players. I would have traded the Kandi man a long time ago because I hate tall players that suck, it pisses me off.
Well, I have to go do some things and then hopefully, I can play some video games before I have to go try some more wings, I'm going to be so sick of chicken wings.
biers out. screw you seacrest.