(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 09:05

I've never had a snow day before. Of course, I don't think anyone my age living here has. IT's odd. I don't have to take that chemistry test or deal with Mr. Pirillo. I should be happy.

Why did I almost cry last night when Parker told me what the new said?

Probably because he has all the snow and we have water on the ground. Nothing is falling. It all melted. The whole one-forth of an inch.

At least my cat is staying with me though. That's good.

I'm going to work on my story. That's my main focus today. My life is getting better, I guess. It wasn't that bad, but if I had kept going the way I was it would of. I made a few friends, and I'll be able to get to know them better since I have my cell phone now. I know someone who lives Semi near me! I can just call him up and ask him to meet me at the bus stop, then go get some starbucks with him or something.

If I had money, or the guts to go out in the cold. It's not worth it, with there not being no snow and all.

I just woke up with the phone ringing next to my ear. I ignored it. They called again, then another number called five minutes after that. Yeah, I'm not in a good mood. The way my day starts usually determines how my whole day is going to be. But if I listen to some loud music and just don't think about anything too serious, then it will be better. I know how to manage this mood. I'm good. I can't go out and buy a rockstar and get even more depressed afterwards, so I'm not that bad off. I'm gonna stay in my room and manage this difficult, gloomy bitchy mood by myself. I need to discipline myself more.

The music is blaring in my ears now. The world is gone. I need to work on my story now.

story, day, snow

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