Story pat ONE ~revised~

Dec 17, 2008 18:43

Friends with benefits wasn’t the right term. We weren’t friends, really. Secret lovers wasn’t right, because what we did never had any meaning or passion. It was always flirt, fuck, leave. We weren’t in a relationship. We barely knew any thing about each other’s life, just each other’s body.
    Yet, we always came back to each other, so it wasn’t a one night stand. It was a regular yet random thing. Whenever we wanted to do it, we found the other and did it. Not an affair, because we weren’t seeing other people. We only saw each other. The whole time, since we had started this, we weren’t seeing anyone special, except each other.
    His name was Trevor. That’s it. No last mane, no real identity. We didn’t even go to the same school! Trevor went to the public school while my mom sent me to an all girls school. Yet he lived right down the street, always there when I was lonely and needed someone there.
    Today, as I knocked on his door, I wasn’t in the mood to romp. I needed to cry and scream, let someone know how I was feeling. Trevor was the only person on my mind at the moment while I shook in the cold wind.
    As I waited for him to answer I thought about what we were, who he was. Over the past few months I had learned just enough about him to know what to do in bed. Maybe today I could find out more, to see what gears were driving him from underneath that smooth, pale skin. What made his playful blue eyes shine.
    He opened the door, saw it was me, and smiled that smile he won me over with every time. Flipping his long black bangs out of his eyes, he stepped away from the door.
    “My lady.” he said while extending his arm and bowing slightly. I smiled shyly and stepped into the warmth of his house.
    “Hey Trevor?” I asked as he closed the door. He came over and pressed me against the wall gently.
    “Yes?” he asked, then started kissing my neck. I was taken away for a moment, lost in sensation. He started to kiss lower and held my hips tightly.
    “I can’t,” I said feebly, pushing him away. He gave me a confused look, still holding me.
    “What do you mean?” he asked, placing his hands on my neck. He pet my face with his thumbs, all attention on me. I stared into his eyes and wondered if there were feeling in what he did to me.
    “I…” his eyes were too much. I looked down at our shoes. “Some thing happened, I need someone to listen.” The tears started coming up, and I tried to blink them away.
    He slowly wrapped his arms around my lower back. “Well, I’ll-“
    “Yah!” I screamed in pain, arching my back. He moved his hands and looked at me, then at his hands. The throbbing in my back stayed for a moment, dull and persistent.
    “What’s wrong?”
    I couldn’t help it. I crumpled onto him and started bawling like a baby. Each cry took all of my breath away, taking me a second to breathe in again. I was quavering all over. He placed his hands on my back, and I know he meant to offer me comfort, but it hurt like hell. I pushed him away.
    “Don’t touch me!” I yelled. His eyes held shock. I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees. The crying had stopped now. “You said you needed someone to listen.” he slowly sat down in front of me. “I’m here. Tell me what’s wrong.”
    For a moment we just sat there on the floor, his bright blue eyes staring into my teary green ones. And in that small amount of time, I knew that something had clicked between us. That anything we did after this would mean something more. He actually wanted to listen to my crying.
    I stared at the floor between us and told him the whole story.
    “About six months ago, right when we started, my dad died. My mom’s starting to date again. She’s only started to see this one guy for like, a week or so, and he’s living with us because he can’t pay his rent. He’s an okay guy, when he’s not drunk. Apparently he checked the mail today.”
    I started to cry again while talking, the tears hot running down my face. “He yelled at me as soon as I walked in the door after school, telling me he had seen my report card. He told me that I’d better not get any more F’s. I tried to tell him mom’s been taking me out of school for dentist appointments and stuff, but he said ‘Don’t back talk me bitch!’ and threw me on the stairs.” The crying was stronger this time. Trevor just sat there and stared at me. “I tried to get up the stairs, but when I tried crawling he beat my back. He just kept hitting and hitting…”
    I covered my face and cried harder.
    That was the only sound for a long while. Trevor didn’t move, and eventually my crying quieted.     
    "How long has he been doing this to you?" he asked. I looked up at him.
    "This is the only time he's done it. It was only because he was drunk, but I'm so scared to go back there..." I rubbed my arms.
    "Does your mom know about this?"
    I shook my head. "I came straight here after he left to go somewhere. Mom doesn't get off work until tonight."
    Trevor stood and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up, and kept hold of my hand. He looked me in the eyes, all business. "You will stay here tonight. Once my dad comes home I'll tell him and let him know what happened."
    I nodded and wiped some tears off my face. Here was better than there for now. As long as I was safe, I didn't care.
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