Mar 24, 2005 16:34
Spring break... Fairly nice weather... Good music... Nothing to do except relax (and type up a paper which won't take too long).
I was at Audrey's from Friday to Monday, we slept at my house on Tuesday and watched "Without a Paddle", "School of Rock" and an independant film called "What the bleep do we know?" about... wait for it... Quantum Physics XD. It was actually very good, I liked it. Audrey wasn't really in the mood so I kept pausing it to explain stuff whcih she didn't want to think about. It was cool stuff like the theory that something can be in hundreds of "possible" places, but as soon as you turn around to check on it, your brain decides where it is. (Even the doctors weren't sure about how.) They also said that nothing ever touches anything, because if the atoms seem to be touching, their nucleii are astonishingly far apart; their electrons balance the forces between them (repelling each other whilst forces such as weight react to the repulsion) so it looks like this:
nucleus electron electron ::space:: electron electron electron nucleus
for example. Say this picture is sideways and one nucleus is directly above the other; the space is where the force from the electromagnetic repulsion is balanced by the weight and reaction forces pushing the objects together. It's quite clever but amazingly simple.
ANYWAY, we went back to Audrey's on Tuesday and stayed until today (Thursday) because she's going to Lauderdale with Sydney. Yesterday we went to the mall and I got three posters and a long sleeved t-shirt which is very nice, and we got a jigsaw and a velvet colouring thing to do together. Fun fun.
I'm bored now. (Audy is in Lauderdale until Sunday.)