Nov 28, 2005 15:19
This is all backed up with facts in the book and this is the last few paragraphs. Just take a guess who they is....
Let's face it. You can't count on them to give you straight forward information. You can't count on them to tell us straight why we're going to war. You can't count on them to tell us what's happening over there.
You can't count on them to do their homework. To keep track of our money,. You can't count on them to punish war profiteers. You can't count on them to protect our troops.
You can't rely on them for much of anything. Armor. Verteran's benifits. You can't count in them for the true dstoruy of how Jessica Lynch was captured, or how Pat Tillman died. Even for how the "Mission Acomplished" sign went up on the USS Abraham Lincoln. They actually lied about that.
You can't count on them to count the terrorist attacks. You can't count on them to count civilian victims. You can't count on them to listen to military commanders asking them to send more troops, or to not lie about the commanders asking them to send more troops, or to listen to Colin Powell and not to torture people, or to not lie about weather torture policies started at the top.
You can't trust them to care. About Iraqis. About Americans.
You can't trust them to do the work of actually signing killed-in-action letters. You can't trust them not to lie about not signing killed-in-action letters.
You can't count on them to acknowledge any mistakes whatsoever. You can't trust them not to lie when confronted with those mistakes.
You can't trust them to not believe their own propaganda.
You can't trust them. Period.
If you want to know what I think we should do in Iraq, it's that we should think about what we have to do in America. We have to throw these guys out.
Step one is 2006.
The work starts now.