your name / LJ name? « BETH / LOOK AT THE NAME NEXT TO MY USERPIC :') your age? « 15. stfu :| who are your favorite characters in reborn? « DINO & WTF EVERYONE what are your favorite pairings? « everyone / everyone got any favorite reborn quotes? « "lol i loev cake :DD" do you like contributing to the fandom? if so, with what? « no :| i'm a fag and don't contribute, cuz I suck. & so do you, you don't want to be my friend, believe me. what do your other fandoms include? « your mom, desu noto, gayseball: the oofuri story, pron, making fun of ppl until they cry, l/justice, gay ppl who only ACT gay but aren't REALLY, code gayass, ledouche. & moar to come. anything else? « yes, I really am this gay all the time. :'D
your age? « 15. stfu :|
who are your favorite characters in reborn? « DINO & WTF EVERYONE
what are your favorite pairings? « everyone / everyone
got any favorite reborn quotes? « "lol i loev cake :DD"
do you like contributing to the fandom? if so, with what? « no :| i'm a fag and don't contribute, cuz I suck. & so do you, you don't want to be my friend, believe me.
what do your other fandoms include? « your mom, desu noto, gayseball: the oofuri story, pron, making fun of ppl until they cry, l/justice, gay ppl who only ACT gay but aren't REALLY, code gayass, ledouche. & moar to come.
anything else? « yes, I really am this gay all the time. :'D
....before you stabbed me dead. :| Good going right there, pal
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