[ WIP ] 彼氏彼氏の事情 (His and His Circumstances)

May 05, 2014 04:49

Title: 彼氏彼氏の事情 (His and His Circumstances)
Pairing: Sehun/Luhan.
Genre: Romance.
Rating: PG.
Summary: The beach was the only place he could turn to for the time being. He submerged himself in the clear blue, face up and just floating there. Set in the same universe as Please Say That You Love Me Like You Once Did.
A/N: Title inspired by Tsuda Masami's 彼氏彼女の事情 (His and Her Circumstances).


The walk home felt much longer without Chanyeol’s company. Well, it wasn’t like it was Luhan’s first time going home alone, but he still couldn’t quite get used to it. The sounds of people chattering around him, the roaring of vehicles that passed by him, even the lights from buildings seemed to be mocking him. Luhan, he-he just didn’t want to go home. Because going home meant he had to face reality. Going home meant he had to be reminded that his father had set his future without his consent. Going home meany another day of hopelessness had gone by.

The beach was the only place he could turn to for the time being. Not bothering to take off his clothes, Luhan kicked his shoes away and threw his bag carelessly onto the sand, uncaring should anyone pass by. The water here was warm, at least warmer than it was supposed to in the middle of winter, compared to other beaches, and the waves were friendly.

He submerged himself in the clear blue, face up and just floating there.

It should be common sense that Luhan was able to hold his breath for longer than average people could. His best record was 4 minutes 56 seconds, and he was still working to break that record. Though, with university taking up most of his time, he rarely had the opportunity to concentrate on breaking it.

Aside of being able to hold his breath for up to 4 minutes, it should also be common sense that Luhan didn’t like being disturbed while having one of his ‘cooling down’ moments. So that the splashing sounds that were currently nearing him wouldn’t have existed.

Luhan found his footing at the same time as he was lifted out of the water, so naturally he lost his balance and wrapped his hands around-

Someone’s neck?

Barely registering what just happened, Luhan coughed, choking as some salty water went down his nose to his throat. He felt the stranger’s eyes on him, suddenly aware of his position in the stranger’s arms-one hand on his back and another beneath his knees. Luckily, he still had the decency to blush, his hands still attached to the stranger’s neck.

“Are you okay?”

He wanted to snap at him and say you just interrupted my lovely meditation, so there’s no way in hell I’m okay, but when he found himself staring back into concerned brown eyes, the words died in his throat.

“I’m fine,” he croaked instead, throat still scratchy from the salt he just inhaled.

The stranger sighed, seemingly out of relief, not minding Luhan’s hands that were wound around his neck. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he said, walking towards the sand where Luhan’s scattered shoes and bag were. “I was so scared, I thought I was too late.”

Wait a minute.

“Wait,” Luhan blinked in realization of what just happened after the stranger had gently placed him on the cool white sand. “Wait-did you think-you thought I was drowning?” He asked with such incredulity he made the handsome (younger, he believed) stranger straighten up in his seat beside him, anxious. There was a short pause before the guy answered.

“You... weren’t?”

It took all of Luhan’s might not to yell and curse at the stranger who seemed to shrink slowly, since his lovely ‘me time’ was disturbed, but he opted to heave a deep sigh instead, suddenly feeling very tired. “Nevermind. I’ll just go home.” Luhan made to stand, grabbing his bag in his hand and his shoes in the other, only to stop when a fluffy towel was placed on his wet hair. “What-”

“You’ll catch a cold,” the stranger worriedly said, brows lightly furrowing, hands moving to dry Luhan’s hair. “And don’t forget to take a hot shower as soon as you get home.”

“I’m not a kid,” Luhan grumbled lowly, cheeks dusted in pink. “Besides, my house is just across the street, I won’t catch a cold that easily.”

But the stranger didn’t say anything; he kept rubbing Luhan’s hair and drying his face with the towel (Luhan chanced a glance up at him and saw a tiny smile-he felt even more like a kid now). At some point, it became awkward for Luhan, his hands trying to weakly push the stranger’s away. “Stop that,” he protested just as the guy spread his towel on Luhan’s shoulders, a vain attempt in shielding Luhan from the wind. When Luhan looked up again, the stranger was already standing, offering a hand to Luhan to help him stand up. After a moment of hesitation, Luhan grabbed the proffered hand and stood up, shivering when a breeze passed by.

The moment their eyes locked for the second time was an eternity for Luhan. There was something about the stranger that intrigued him, made him curious like nobody had ever done before. He’d never met him prior to today, yet he felt a sense of familiarity, as well as comfort. He felt like he could trust him, somehow.

“Please go now before you really catch a cold.” The stranger’s words snapped Luhan out of his thoughts, breaking the eye contact as he ducked his head to stare at the sand beneath his feet.

“I’m not a kid,” he repeated, with much less emotion this time, as if he was trying to convince himself. Grabbing his forgotten bag and shoes on the sand, Luhan stepped back, eyes still not meeting the stranger’s, and muttered a nearly inaudible “thank you.”

There was a soft exhale from the stranger (at this point Luhan was feeling slightly guilty for not asking for his name when he’d basically been nothing but kind to him, but mostly miffed because no one could disturb his precious time with the water), and as if reading Luhan’s mind,

“I’m Sehun.”


band: exo, pairing: sehun/luhan, subject: luhan, subject: sehun

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