Of Free Throws And Free Kisses

Jan 18, 2013 15:56

Title: Of Free Throws And Free Kisses.
Pairing: Kris/Baekhyun.
Genre: Fluff.
Rating: PG because "park chanyeol that bastard."
Summary: The game is simple. You only have to make successful free-throws three times in a row and Baekhyun would be free. The thing is, if anyone ever succeeds in making the free-throws, Baekhyun has to give the person a kiss.

In the same verse as Of Blackouts And Crushes but can be read separately. :-)


if baekhyun can strangle anyone right about now, it would be park chanyeol. park chanyeol, his so-called best friend who dared to ditch him in the cold, unforgiving winter weather. he also won't forgive him for setting him up in a ridiculous game that is almost impossible to win or have any participant at all, considering there's close to no people in their right mind who are willing to walk in this freezing cold. well. okay, some of his juniors played the game out of pity but none were able to release him from his misery.

the game is simple, actually. you only have to make successful free-throws three times in a row and baekhyun would be free. the thing is, if anyone ever succeeds in making the free-throws, baekhyun has to give the person a kiss. it's not entirely his fault if he's been wishing that everyone is suddenly failing at basketball; those who are in the team included.

another thing is, he actually knows one person who's able to save him. sadly, the said person hasn't even shown a strand of their hair.

he shivers for the nth time, burying his face into his scarf. why did he agree to this ridiculous thing again? oh right, his big mouth and pride. also his competitiveness. if he could go back in time to this morning, he'd beat the shit out of himself before he could even say anything to chanyeol.


snapping out of his thoughts, he almost, almost chokes on his own spit because he doesn't realize two people standing in front of him, basketball in hand.

"o-oh hi there, yongguk-hyung, himchan-hyung."

"you okay? you were making funny faces there."

of course. one of his bad habits when he has no companion whatsoever. he mentally slaps himself.

"i'm okay, hyung. are you here to play the game?"

"why not? i mean, chanyeol did go all the trouble of texting everyone," himchan shrugs, eyes twinkling with mischief and amusement.

of course part 2. park chanyeol that bastard would tell the whole campus about his current misfortune, either he's really concerned about baekhyun's condition or pure for his own entertainment. baekhyun's sure it's the latter, though.

so himchan starts the game, carelessly throwing the ball with a hand from the free-throw area. when he misses, baekhyun resists the urge to heave a dejected sigh although he knows himchan is most likely on chanyeol's side, wanting to prolong his suffering only because he loves seeing baekhyun suffer (or that kicked puppy face he has on whenever he's frustrated).

but then he sees yongguk's confident smirk and he thinks maybe he will be free soon, after all. when the first shoot goes through the ring smoothly, baekhyun's eyes widen, finally seeing a ray of hope.

the second shoot makes the ball hit the board before going into the ring and this is where baekhyun freezes, mind racing.

wait a minute, if yongguk-hyung makes the last shoot then that means-- oh god NO I AM NOT GOING TO KISS YONGGUK-HYUNG NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME STOP--

"eep," is what comes out of his mouth when the ball bounces out of the ring. he hears yongguk mutter a 'shit' because apparently he used too much power for the third shoot while himchan's snickers aren't exactly subtle. baekhyun doesn't know if he wants to laugh in victory or cry in misery.

"sorry, baek, i guess someone else will have to help you," yongguk says, looking apologetic as he hands the basketball to baekhyun who can only cringe in response. imagine sitting at the stranded court for who knows how many hours more until the one person who's actually able to save him arrives. he's also not looking forward to freezing his ass off some more.

"i'll be fine, hyung, thanks," he shoots instead, a small smile tugging the corners of his lips.


the two seniors end up sparring against each other, baekhyun sitting on the sideline without enough enthusiasm to cheer on both of them. he thought about joining them to warm up his body but backed away as soon as they (or himchan, specifically) made fun of his height. he's definitely not fun-sized, as they put it, what are they talking about?

and then he appears.

"k- kris-hyung?!" baekhyun exclaims, clearly surprised. surprised is an understatement, truthfully, baekhyun was astonished. or dumbfounded, whichever suits his wide eyes and gaping mouth and red face and shocked expression right now.

kris walks over, not paying attention to yongguk and himchan who quickly make their escape with suggestive wriggles of eyebrows and unnecessary thumbs up.

"i heard from chanyeol," he says, picking up the basketball before dribbling it a couple times. "another bet gone wrong?"

now baekhyun only wants to bury himself alive, feeling his face redden even more at kris' words. sure, this isn't the first time something like this happens, but chanyeol has to tell kris everything every time that baekhyun can't help but be embarrassed.

kris lets out a chuckle. "well, it's time to end your torture, no?" and as he says that, he walks into the free-throw circle, eyes focused on the ring in front of him.

first throw goes straight into the ring with a smooth 'swoosh.'

also the second throw.

and, as expected, the third.

the whole time baekhyun stays silent, mouth pursed, watching the older guy makes the shoots flawlessly. when kris finally settles down beside him and reaches to ruffle his hair gently, he breaks the silence.

"i thought you weren't going to come."

"why wouldn't i? because you dumped a pile of dirty laundry on me before throwing the basket at me after i accidentally planted my foot on yours?"

baekhyun can feel the heat creeping up his face again. "it- it was a reflex..."

kris snorts. "what a violent reflex you have."

pulling his legs closer to his chest, baekhyun proceeds to hide his face in his arms. "i'm sorry," he whimpers, fighting back the sudden urge to cry then and there. he must look pathetic now, and the back of his eyes sting with incoming tears at kris' sigh.

not a second later, he's pulled into kris' lap, arms encircling his waist while his own hands instinctively find purchase on kris' shoulders. kris showers him with kisses on his face; from his forehead to his temple to his eyelid to his nose to his cheek and to his lips (baekhyun swears they must taste like ice now).

"i got my prize, so let's just go home, hmm?"

slowly baekhyun flutters his eyes open, peering up at kris. "you're not mad at me...?"

"i think chanyeol's punished you enough." smirking, kris nudges a pouting baekhyun to stand up and, when they're on their own feet again, interlaces his fingers with baekhyun's.



he squeezes the hand in his tightly, slightly tugging to make the older look at him. “you know i love you, right?”

the smile on kris’ face explains everything and baekhyun finds himself smiling back.


& moar krisbaek yaaay.
& bc feelings, so many krisbaek interactions lately.
& prone to redundancy since i wrote this while having half of my brain on my thesis proposal.
& this is actually for applesncrack unnir hehehe ♥
& i need to write something that isn't fluff...

subject: baekhyun, band: exo, band: b.a.p, subject: himchan, pairing: kris/baekhyun, subject: yongguk, subject: kris

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