Title: I See The Future In Your Eyes.
Pairing: Hoya/Myungsoo, friendship!Woohyun/Myungsoo, notsoninja!Woohyun/Sunggyu.
Genre: AU, romance above anything else.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Kim Myungsoo's monochromatic life begins to find more color after meeting Lee Howon, who claims that he sees the future.
Dedicated to the ever-loving
kuroiimiyumi ♥
He found him. In the lockers room, under the furthest showerhead, rains of cold water attacking him, framing his body, making him look like a kid who had lost his way. )
Comments 11
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I actually wanted to write a WooL based on our RP, but this came to mind instead. u_u I initially wrote it for the 100 fic challenge but Idk it just didn't work OTL and I decided to write something else for that. I miss our RP too. ): ♥
I wrote it while being hungry, I guess. /shot. The Danishes were random, but I really love chocolate fudge and strawberry shortcake. ;~; Yum.
IDK WHY I MADE HIM A GREASE TBH DAMN YOU NAM WOOHYUN. /shakes fist at him. But oh well, it's all good because it's HoSoo. 8D /shot. And can you punch his parents please L O L Idek, poor Myungsoo. /pats him.
IT'S NOT A DATE, IT'S AN...........OUTING.........YEAH. Tbh I wrote the middle part after being stuffed by Sekaiichi Hatsukoi u_u so yesterday I was like, "..... What the hell, would Hoya do this? WHY CAN'T I PICTURE HIM IN MY HEAD OMG GO AWAY SEKAIICHI HATSUKOI PEOPLE."
And just so you know (again), I didn't originally put WooGyu there. >:\ I did it ( ... )
Myungya is such a cute couple >w
Thank you!! :D ♥
I still dont't know what exactly is Myungsoo's power and why it's useless, while he needs to work hard to control in case he scared Woohyun, >_<
I'll be looking forward to your future works!
Woohyun didn't tell Myungsoo that he was also a mutant because, like Myungsoo, he didn't know what his power was. And I believe mutants have had their power since birth, although there are some who develop it as they grow up. I never made this apparent, but yes, Hoya's power also started to develop after he dreamed about Myungsoo and him. ^_^
Myungsoo's power is Power Negation, and while it's not the most powerful one, it is one of the most powerful ones. Myungsoo's parents are people who are so full of themselves and their power, so when they knew what Myungsoo's power was, they were beyond disappointed because uncontrolled Power Negation meant their powers could be turned off at any time, thus disturbing their 'work.' Myungsoo had to work hard to control it because it's not easy to control any power. He has this trauma of being told useless and of ( ... )
ps: Merry belated Xmas & Happy New Year~! :D <3
Thank you for loving this. ♥
Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! ♥
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