Title: Chemical Reaction Pairing: Daehyun/Youngjae Rating: PG Word Count: ~1500 words Summary: Daehyun's best kept secret A/N: for trope bingo with t-list buddies ^^ for fun, so it's dumb and unbeta'd ahaha sorry >_<
out of necessity, Youngjae has developed an extra sense honed to detect Daehyun's sincerity loooool~ OH DAEHYUN. and!! Youngjae asks the exact question Daehyun wanted him to ask. <3 mind-melded cuties~ *v* <33 and then lmao WHAT IF THEY ARE ACTUALLY BECOMING ONE PERSON?? /crying, these idiots. squished into a chair, and omg dumb daehyun. Youngjae hasn't gotten mad at him in so long, and he doesn't realize how much he's missed it DUUUUUMB DAEHYUN.
Daejae is an entity to itself <3 I am sorry Daehyunnnnn I don't know why I keep doing this, all I want to do is write introspective Daehyun fic but dumb Daejae is so much fun, even though I'm terrible at funny :D also JO thank you as always for the fuzziest comments <3
haha! That sounds good actually xD although I just started thinking about it and it's turning out more serious than the prompt implies ahaha (I think Banghim always turns out deep for me and that's why I can't write it Q_Q) I'll let you know if it ever happens, thanks for reading and commenting <33
Comments 9
Lol, it was quite entertaining.
...so cute though. =u= /happysigh
and oh dae, how daft can you get, tsktsk, took you a while to realise ;)
(random thought, i wouldnt mind reading "Himchan has the biggest thing for Yongguk, and that Yongguk inexplicably responds to it".. hehe <3)
this was so cute i cant even
just get a room daejae
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