Shounen Club 09.09.2007

Sep 10, 2007 01:07

 K um since JPopsuki was down, I uploaded this on JA. Its in 5 parts and downloaded of LAKYNIU at clubbox. Once I get the whole thing combined I'll upload the full SC on MU and SS. If you dont wanna wait for the entire ep then you can combine them using VirtualDub using the Append function. I have the full SC uploaded on veoh so if you have veoh player you can just go to my veoh profile (link is on my journal -> left bar).

Complete Ep (no parts just split) on MU
001  002  003  004  005

*use HJSplit to join files*

Parts on MF
[TV] 20070909 the shounen club -1 (8m51s)
001  002  003

[TV] 20070909 the shounen club -2 (10m19s)
001  002

[TV] 20070909 the shounen club -3 (16m40s)
001  002  003  004

[TV] 20070909 the shounen club -4 (8m20s)
001  002

[TV] 20070909 the shounen club -5 (5m44s)
001  002

downloads, videos, shounen club

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