Nov 08, 2006 00:17
So I was thinking about the past. I was thinking about people I used to know which unfotrunatly brought me to a thought of #1. I realized that I still want answers to the questions I e-mailed to her, but Im not desperate for them. I dont need them but I would like to know the answers to them and I feel like someone who is going for her PhD in Psychology should have the the maturity to give someone they professed to love answers that they need. I mean if Chrissy were to ask me why I broke up with her I'd tell her that it was because she was clingy, she wasn't the one for me, and the relationship was becomming all physical.
But anyway dissolving a possible friendship with "never contact me again" and "get over it" hurts... but maybe she couldnt deal with the reason she did it. Maybe it meant realizing what she lost, maybe it meant realizing that she either was or wasn't in love. I don't know.
What I do know is late evening talks with Shannon are always fun.