I found out the hard way yesterday that the autopilot in EVE sucks balls. Basically when it is running it warps to 10km of a stargate rather than directly in front of it.
That paired with the fact that my ship is was quite slow, lead to a long commute to the stargate after exiting warp. While this sucks, you can avoid it by manually navigating and using the autopilot as a guide, which is what I usually do. Yesterday, however, I had a 19 jump run to do for a plot mission, so I set the autopilot and went to do other things (clean, gym, shower, sex, shower...) as it was going to take for fuck ever. An hour or so later I look at my computer and notice I am docked (something I didn't tell it to do) and I can't see my ship. Graphical glitch? Nope. I got ganked in a low security system (I had to travel through two 0.4 systems on my way out) while I was AFK. NOT ONLY THAT, but I got
pod killed. Fortunately I don't appear to have lost any skill points in the ordeal and thanks to a generous donation from
I should have more than enough money for my next ship once I finish training for it. Still sucks though...
I do feel good, however, that while two wankers (apparently there were two as I have two sets of kill rights) were killing me I was at the gym OR having sex. So that is pretty cool right there.