Feb 22, 2007 10:56
Ok, so I don't think I've done a real update in a while.
I am completely and totally emotionally, physically, and mentally drained.
In the book for my English class, chapter 10 is all about sexual harassment.
I couldn't read the chapter. I was supposed to for class. I couldn't get past the second page.
Now, I don't know how many of you know my past. A few do, and I know that one person found out last night.
But if you don't I'm going to give you an overview of sorts.... I was sexually harassed in 8th grade by my *then* boyfriend. We started going out in 6th grade. He moved to Florida for a year, and came back. When he had left, we had said that we were going to stay together (stupid idea). Come to find out, he cheated on me while he was down there.
He had this girlfriend who only wanted to give him sexual things....mainly blowjobs.
When he moved back up here the summer between 7th and 8th grade, I didn't even hear from him until about a week before school started.
School started and we started to go out again and stuff.
I was a little taller than him at the time, so when ever I hugged him, he would always be like "Babe, let go, your choking me with your tits!" He did this for about a month. For the first couple of weeks it didn't bother me. Yeah, I had a chest, unlike half the girls in my grade, I was proud of it.
Then he started asking me questions like "What flavor condoms do you want me to get?" At first I was confused, then i realized he wanted me to do what his girlfriend in Florida did to him. So I would answer "none. i'm not doing that. No way!"
Then in class he would start poking my chest, and tickling my arms. i would always go "dude, stop" no smiles no nothing. But he wouldn't stop. he kept going and going.
So, i went through my notes from health class the previous year (yes, i had them hanging around) and looked up the definition of sexual harassment that our teacher gave us. "When someone does something that makes you uncomfortable sexually, and when asked to stop they won't" (or something like that).
So, I went to one of the only teachers I could trust in that school. My health teacher from 7th grade. She told me to go to the Vice Principal. So I did. He looked at me like I was 5, and said "I'll talk to him".
I don't know what he said, but nothing diciplinary was done. He didn't even get a detention!!!!
So, what does this have to do with English? We recieved an assignment. We got to choose a topic that we wanted to. Something we believed should be re-evaluated.
So, I chose the sexual harassment policy of the Amherst Regional School System.
I used myself as my primary source. As I was writing that essay last night, flashbacks kinda started happening. I had to remember everything that happened, since I was telling my story.
So, I was up until 3:30 this morning typing that paper.
Then I went to bed. i decided that I wasn't going to go to all but one of my classes today. I just can't.
I'll go to my english class, so I can pass this in and get a conference time and such. But that's it.
i'll be e-mailing my other 2 professors and appologize for not going to class.
But I just don't have the strength to go to class right now.
In other news....Not much has happened.
Lacrosse practice got switched from 7am to 6:30pm.
That makes me happy. I get sleep again.
School and classes are going ok i guess.
i can't wait until Spring break tho.
I'll be able to just sit on my ass at home.
I think I might go visit my high school. I miss my buddies there.
I especially miss my old field hockey coach. I've been conversing with her a bit over e-mail. Man, I forgot how much i missed her.
Ok, this is long. I'm done.
Comments? Please?