YouTube - From Haydn to Hip Hop: Music at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Feb 16, 2009 04:51

YouTube - From Haydn to Hip Hop: Music at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

This is a fun -- if a bit long (over 9 minutes) -- ad for the various services of the Music Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. There are a few things that Pittsburghers will recognize that folks from elsewhere might not, from the voice of WQED Radio's Jim Cunningham to the in-jokey question in Pittsburghese ("Do yinz got stuff on Stephen Foster n'at?") but most of it should be enjoyable to people from anywhere. And the end credits have some good Pittsburgh scenery. (Another semi-in-joke? It reminded me a little of the old nightly sign-off credits for WQEX, the UHF sister station of WQED.) In fact, I found it via Peter Scott's Library Blog, Scott being a librarian from Saskatoon, Alberta, Canada (and originally from the UK).

pittsburgh, tv, libraries

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