April 30 Update

Apr 30, 2009 19:02

Long time, no update.  In any event, I have survived the semester.  I had my prelim exam/portfolio defense on April 15 and survived the experience.  I am now "ABD."  The defense was anti-climactic, as anything would be after spending nine months preparing for it.  I am now free to begin researching and writing my dissertation, though I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30,000 words already assembled.  Life since April 15 has been remarkably relaxed.  I have been able to do mostly my own thing and kick back for a while.  This summer I begin focusing on the dissertation and hope to gather lots of new research materials.  The only task remaining to me is to grade the finals on Saturday for the class that I have been teaching.  They finish at 5 PM, I will fnish grading them before I go to bed that night so it's all done.

I have a few minor little personal writing projects (some gaming stuff, some creative writing) I'm working on as well as an academic book review I'll be starting as soon as I read the book.  I'm going to be getting some minor health-related stuff taken care of over the next few weeks -- a physical, some PT for my injured rotator cuff, new glasses -- since that stuff is all long overdue.  I don't believe I have yet contracted swine flu.

Life is good.

grad school

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