Lol...anyhoo...I've basically made your LJ...*prettier*. I've changed the colors around...added colors to the scrollbar...made your little text box more in the middle...
And so on...
I know it's not all only the colors you asked for, but I figured that only baby blue, light purple, and yellow woul be...kinda...boring?
Let's see...
See the little "Hallo" down there? Well, that's the comments link. If you click that, then it takes you to a page where you can leave a comment. Only...since it's your LJ...there's no point in that.
However, I'm about to leave a comment, so when you see this, you'll probably see a "1 Hola" down there...
Err...if you want different words...instead of "Hallo" and "Hola", tell me, and I'll change it for you!
Or...if you want to do it yourself...just ask!
See...you're a whole lot smarter than Jessica, so you'd probably also be able to figure it out!
Err...basically, when you want to update, just go to the LJ mainpage, or any other page with options, and go to "Journal" around the top, and click "Update"...
If you want to do stuff to your Info, go to "Manage" and click "Info". Or...if you feel like cuztomizing this thing for yourself, then also go to "Manage", and click "Cuztomize". Then, it will take you to a page with a few options. Go down and click "Modify Journal". Whatever you do, do not change the "Old System 1" to "New System 2"!! The new system SUCKS!!
Err...and that's pretty much it...
If you have any questions, or if you want me to change stuff, just ask!!
I'm still trying to figure out all this HTML crap...
I mean, I have a ton of friends who are so good at it!! For example, look at:
Blaise (Real Name: Jenny)
I mean, aren't there good?? Hmmm...maybe I should ask them to help me...lmao!! ~Cynthia