We'll be starting off our first round on the following theme:
The theme may be interpreted as loosely or narrowly as you wish (within bounds of reason).
Sign-up deadline: December 7
Reading period: December 8 - January 11 (extra week due to holiday season)
Posting deadline: January 11
Discussion period: January 12 - January 18
If you wish to participate in this round, please make sure that you've provided a
profile with your reading preferences. Sign up at this post with the following information:
Recommendation list:
1. (title and author)
At least one of the titles on your list must be available as a free e-text online (consult
this list). You can provide further information such as ISBN or a preferred translation or edition, although the reader is not obliged to find that particular version. Feel free to also write about why you're recommending the books!
If you sign up, you must read at least one of the books on the recommendation list you receive and post to this community with your thoughts on the book. (See
this post for more information.)
If you don't have a recommendation list but would like to sign up to read a book anyway, please leave a comment with just your name.
For your convenience, please copy-paste from the box below.
Name: Recommendation list:1.