So many episodes.
Life of the Party
A Loren episode! And in retrospect that's really depressing. Watching Andy Hallett get to do more than fire off one liners (or show up for a scene, say something funny and then go for the next lot of episodes) and do some good acting is sad as all hell.
Though watching the writers scrabble for a climax was pretty funny. "Crap, how do we wrap this up? I know! HulkLorne!"
The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco
The best of the Law and Order: Supernatural Unit episodes, and some acknowledgement that, just maybe, taking over the evil law firm was not a good idea.
Wesley: Where did all this hard-core character development come from? Also robot ninjas.
Oh thank fuck Spikes finally corporeal again. Oh fuck, an episode based around Spike and Angel fighting over everything like obnoxious little kids. But it does have Surprise!Lindsay. If I hadn't been spoiled for that.
Harm's Way
And after that shock twist, it's time for shameless filler! I'm sorry, no matter how obvious you try to make Harmony sympathetic, it's not working! It's all to...shallowly done, to blatant with the "look, the poor vampire has troubles at work. FEEL BAD FOR HER!" And are soulless vampires supposed to be sympathetic? Should they really be opening up that can of worms after having to give Spike a soul because of all that? Best thing about this one was Harmony's solution to her problems, and the resulting (unconscious) body count.
Soul Purpose
Finally, some things of consequence happen. And is that a reference to the early days of Angel Investigations? It is! Remember when it was just three characters, migraine visions and an office that was awkward to film in? Good times. Though did Lindsey ever meet Doyle to know of his appalling taste in shirts? I can't remember. This episode did give me the urge to have a look at the old days, that's something I haven't felt in a long time. Pity I have the tapes, but no tape player.
Angel's dreams were funny, but there was an awful lot of them. Yes, I get it, he's lost his purpose. That was one awful Buffy body double work though. But thank God they figured out Eve was behind it straight away, even if they have no proof to actually do anything. Watching them have to hold multiple idiot balls while she and Lindsey do their evil plotting (and really awkward make out scenes) would have been unbearable. Pity that wouldn't do anything about the make out scenes.
Is that... a good episode? Even with Scooby Gang long distance self-righteousness? And freaking Andrew? And some acknowledgement that hey, maybe empowering a bunch of random people would have caused some problems, and murder.