Which provided a distraction from staring forlornly at the wireless hub all weekend. The Battlestar characters get new jobs!
The Ambitions expac means Laura can get a job teaching...
...and it doesn't take her long to climb the ladder.
Bill and Saul spend their time fighting fires...
Ah, there we go.
While Ellen spends her time in the attic creating Cylons...
...exploding things...
...setting herself on fire.
When he's not putting out his wife, Saul likes to troll on internet forums. "Let's see what those Stargate: Universe fans think of this!"
And taking bubble baths. Bubbly.
Laura seems to like Bill's new frakstache. Which of course leads to sexytimes, and frantic clicking of the Try For Baby option.
She picks the worst possible time to go into labour, and ends up with Ellen as birthing partner. Laura thinks a pie would make a better birthing partner. Or she's feeling a bit hungry. Hmm, pie.
Running to the hospital!
While Saul shows his concern.
Laura manages to have the baby without killing Ellen...
...and so begins her favorite hobby of leaving babies named Lee in unusual places.
Ellen sets more fires.
While Bill and Saul fight more fires.
But tragedy strikes when Ellen sets one fire too many.
Yes, that little box is all that is left.
Saul needs brohugs!
While Laura is left to deal with the body.
Not able to find any Sixes, in his grief Saul goes out and impregnates Monica Reyes. Dogget will not be happy.