Also known as "Woah, that's a lot of drabbles!" Beats the pants off
last years lot. I was hoping my
rememberlaura gift thing would have slipped in here, but looks like that's going to be the first fic of the year. It's not overdue yet, I still have time!
Drabbles and Ficlets.
Battlestar Galactica
An Interlude. Adama/Roslin, M
Solitary Confinement. Laura Roslin, slight A/R, G.
Crime and Punishment. Adama/Roslin, MA.
The Other Times. Adama/Roslin, MA.
Sweet Freedom. Adama/Roslin, MA.
Talent. Roslin/Baltar, MA.
Softness. Roslin/Zarek, MA.
One Night Only. Roslin/Cain, MA.
And After. Hints of Adama/Roslin, Kara/Lee, G.
And Inevitably. Laura Roslin, Kara Thrace, G.
Tactical Knowledge. Adama/Roslin, G.
"You'd Be Surprised." Adama/Roslin, T.
If You Can Imagine It. Adama/Roslin, T.
Voice of the Narrative. Laura/Ellen, R.
Passing in the Night. Adama/Roslin, T.
Three Times. Bill/Ellen, M.
A Hurried Affair. Roslin/Adama (it totally is!), MA.
Reunification. Caprica/Multiple Sixes, MA.
Best Served. Laura,Gaius/Caprica, MA.
Habitual. Bill, MA.
Tactics of War. Cain/Roslin, MA.
Presidential Orders. Laura/Kara, MA.
Slumber Party. Cain/Roslin, Not Rated.
Religious Ecstasy. Ellen/D'Anna, Not Rated.
First Contact. X Files crossover, Laura/Mulder, Not Rated.
Drawing the Lines. Adama/Roslin, G.
Crossing the Line. Adama/Roslin, G.
Defending the Line. Adama/Roslin, G.
Scarce Heard Amid the Guns Below. Adama/Roslin, T.
Seven for a Secret Never to be Told. Adama/Roslin, G.
Breathe over the Isle. Adama/Roslin, G.
Doctor Who
Over Coffee. Ten, Eleven, Donna, Not Rated.
X Files
First Contact. BSG crossover, Laura/Mulder, Not Rated.
Improvements Over Nostalgia. Mulder/Scully, T.
Longer Fic
Battlestar Galactica
Constant in the Face of Eternity. Adama/Roslin, T.
Veneration Roslin/Head!Six, Baltar, MA dubcon
The Division Bell Chapter 6: Mother. Laura, Cavil, Ellen Tigh, T.
Relics of the Garden of Aphrodite (or The One Time Ellen Tigh Ran a Sex Toy Racket on New Caprica). Ellen/Laura, MA.
Works in Progress
Spook Recruitment (with
Part 1 Part 3 Part 5. Battlestar Galactica/Temeraire
On Starlit Wings
Part 4 Part 5.