Jan 07, 2006 18:30
Wow...um... I am not even sure if anyone is still out there to check on these things, but if there are, hhi and thanks for your continuance. (if that is a word) I youre lost on who this is, then shame on u (jk). I am happy to say that since i last posted, God and I have grown in exponential ways. I am no longer tried as a newbie, but as a warrior. One who has been through the fire, and lived to show the burns. I am on my way to a higher path in my own mind, and no longer have time for silly distractions, even though they are more than present each day. I have become more than a friend to many of the young people at my church, which means that my road to youth pastor has more than begun. I love these young people dearly, and I can feel a reverant love from them. My pastor is one of my greatest friends, and is teaching me more each day. I am homeschooled now, which means that I have more time for everything on my list. I am so stoked and proud over the young people that have been raised up in my church, including my self. That is enough bragging for now, tell me how you all are doing.