I is ANGRY bunneh.
This afternoon, as I was enjoying a snoozle ajacent to mah wug; mummeh GRABBED me. She pulled mah furs out. Then daddeh clipped mah nails as I was upside-downerated. THEN, just acos they are MEAN MEAN MEAN; I was taken to the V-E-T.
I hates the V-E-T. I tried to git away wif it, by hiding bunder the vetbed in mah carrier, but they seed mah tail and I was bustedded. GAHHHHHHH!
I got prodded, upside-downded and poked at. I then got STABBED in the neck wif a MAHOOOOOOOSIVE needle. I is abused bunneh.
Mah nose was wet and I was shaking, so it was little consilashun to be told I is in furpect nick. I KNEW THAT ALREADY. Stupid, mean, nasty 2 foots. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!
I has flicked at them fur hours meow and am currently hiding in mah remodelled housh.
In uvver noos; I is single bunneh again. Mah ratteh buckfrend went to the bridge on Bunday. I bunna mish him.
Sad, furious 0069 out.