Nov 04, 2008 09:30
So America votes tomorrow...I am normally pretty quiet on the political front unless it has to do with Africa or the Middle East-Don't get me started on Israel and Lebanon :P But back to the election tomorrow. I have mixed feelings. I obviously voted for and want Obama to win but part of me wonders if I really do have a say in it anymore. I have voted in a total of 2 Presidential elections prior to this one and only lived in the US to see 1 full term of Bush (not that I am complaining haha). I won't live in the US for this one either...Who is to say when and if I will actually live back in the US again anyway? Do I still have a right to cast a vote? I am selfish maybe but I say yes. Others would say no-you don't live here, you can't help decide who governs us. I think that as long as I have interest in the US then I should have a say in what goes on. I know some feel as if their vote never counts and therefore they don't vote. Utter nonsense in my opinion...every vote counts! Anyway, my two cents...I don't really know what to think anymore...:)
The leaves have begun turning their colors of gold, red, different from autumn back home. Still as exciting though, in my opinion. I love when the seasons change. Maybe that is from growing up in an area where it was quite infrequent. I am pretty sure the South only have Summer and Summer. Japan had good, distinctive season changes, never felt quite right in the city though. Here everything is so green and alive and you can just smell nature. Just like home. I get too sentimental about home sometimes...good grief!
Started the book club this past Saturday...Pretty sure we will call ourselves the Yorkshire Yanks but that will be decided for sure tomorrow as long with a list of the books we are going to read. I am excited...makes me feel normal to get out and see people again, to interact. Not that seeing J on the weekends and in the evenings isn't great. It is. I just need something else, I need to not be the parasite I normally am. I need to spread it around :) Not latch on to just one person...Anyway, back to the book club. We will meet once a month on a Saturday in various locations and just discuss the book and have a coffee and just relax and catch up...
Goodness, it isn't even 4 pm yet and it is really dark out...I need to turn on the lights to see! It really does get dark here soon...Not sure I like that much...:)