Nov 17, 2004 14:21
i decided to do desk duty today so i didnt have to do anything.
i put extensions in my manaquin and she is so hot now. i'm jealous. i wish i could have crazy colored hair but alas, my job does not allow it.
this whole serving job kinda scares me. but i'm doing ok. i only made about $41 total so far :/. which kinda sucks cuz at wendy's...i would have made about $120. i really hope i'll getting paid as much as i did at wendy's...
at wendy's i was making anywhere from $850-$900 a yeah. tip me bitches!
i got really sick last night and it was not fun.
i was in the bathroom at meijer for a half an hour puking my life up.
it made me sad. because i wanted to kiss my boyfriend but i couldnt because i had puke breath :(.
today's my daddy's birthday. i think he's 49. i kinda lost track.
my mom is "raking" the upstairs today.
maybe now we can rid of all the crap thats up there.
everytime i try to clear out shit in my room, she always goes through it and takes out everything and yells at me that we might need it later and she doesnt want me to come to her asking her for something. i dont know. i pay for everything anyway so i dont really see what the big deal is.
i dont know..
im going to chicago(maybe) to go see Taking Back Sunday, The Used, and My Chemical Romance.
i have tickets for it...but i didnt really ask if i could go until the other day...
my dad is thinking about it.
Pants wants to go and she has a ticket..but if she can't go...i'm going to go. i'm sorry Pants...but i have to go. heh.
i can just sell her ticket for like $100 because its probably sold out now.
i think its time to play some Insaniaquarium!!!!!