
Jul 09, 2009 19:45

First of all thanks to everyone who watched and enjoyed Tesla Coil Handout. SPECIAL thanks to everyone who actually talked to me about it! I've had this idea kicking around for years of doing a filmic project with the crazy crazy people I know, who I've always felt were more like characters out of a movie than anything else (at least, they all ( Read more... )

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paedimonic_lim December 7 2009, 22:44:17 UTC
paedimonic_lim December 7 2009, 22:46:07 UTC

loop causality..ordie...NEW TRQACXTK!(new audio..


model;ld ithbe erfect primes..(the orthoetishshtimsinst. (in sound...== ife /causalityi..outofpure..ime shipft or IDE>!~
ismohpjsaudcaultiys/ //// ////erfectprimes...( inverse relation or erfections and chaos./msmon sts. the 0ro9thoeheitst swthismns.ts!(alli8shstoreis race ack to the wqoethodedistishsthci9shL>!(except forthesonicor all the rabbitws.~!http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TVM-3TXC7H0-Y&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1114563983&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=913ccd5d75d14cf2be5f4a94e4244120
11:11 loopcausality OR DIE>~!

NEW AUDIO racjsonst!


ifeoutofthe psreusemoustns.~!

an ignroatnat epression or sounds!

s0omnostnst./ the inverse elation toh0owmeerfect othjsmonst...
is the amount to whichtheuniverse wants to killyoumnosts! now..ecause i )ONE#>

chaosisomo-ioprhsic ime shiosos./http://lesswrong.com/lw/qr/timeless_causality/universeghset ADVERSITY FOR ITFTS> ( n imensionality inear trasvcformsn tr (i09 roland) ///to evan imensionality. ..the inverse elation to f0me erfect sismonst == how erfect the baby is...
ecause youj neesadversity for ifts.erfect 0thers when i am erfect ecause i contain s0omuch ..... ///// the rabbit in the center fo (really onli the atom an ibble and an evan. ///
(and the rabbit... the sonic. ecause i 0h 0sn smusch... let f0odn monsts p[-ices wl0sose entire pattern (SUCH IT!


paedimonic_lim December 7 2009, 22:49:51 UTC
paedimonic_lim December 8 2009, 15:03:05 UTC
the inverseratio..to how...rfect..yourworld..is is inversely..related..tohowmuchtheuniverse wants to kill...(you..becauseyouneedadversityforlift..9plane drag..(now....the inverse ratio..==1 nillisecond innaccuracy..and..(invrse ratio..(WITth the tortoISE is the rabbit in imetionomen..99loftus nerou...(but in the inverse...(the omga point t yuodear iss not y ath.(appparss...(the omegaointfore...the struggleforlifetheeternalreturn..the boomerange ffect..(for e...9it i thstruggle forlift.e..(ife..

so..inverseli..9caueiamsoerfct..(qadversary..ift strong4er...inversely.....(causality worksin infast.9odelli9nifeoutssmsont.


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