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cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 words paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 11:28:20 UTC

a yer


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 11:29:04 UTC
year.. n0o more than 2 words a year..


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 11:30:18 UTC
they may l0o.v e but they can't take the time to say ANYTHING>
[and ibble said.."oh i have to get to kn0o.w[as if..////////

./.9 years.


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 11:37:36 UTC
but ibble l0o.ves completeli..i on't edites why..0othing said, a try..
causality for a second..//

[not a kasuality..[wh0o. the hell d0 they think she is, THAT THEY CAN"T...
[the insults..innumerable..
[as they say to ghandi "why do you ape[r] ?


[the insults, that they would actually think it could be difficult.

[cusack, thjey on't ide the lime far enough it seems to have the guts ...

[... amorphedrine says "h0o.w about fellacio.."oh my cigarrette butts..///////////
ibble lo0o.ves...

says "..care about you..[hospital yust elax,[relax, you can't elapse, that's what happens when you relax,..[you see
a tempt timone i0os. ios:: in
[she is oomuch in the moment to 0o. backward, and energies.. [were raping her apart for a millisecond of lessening than she has always been, a millisecond of rest, the adversary acted as though she 'ave up' and ook ofer her energi..
[she never offered it up...////

[they took it.


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 12:17:05 UTC
scratch out 'they took it..[they idn't, ut, she never offered it up......

//[the opposing energie, says "thank you..[tryies to che it, as she yust did, [a jose cuerv0o,. ..[sex, oh we won't talk to you, unless you dive us..////


[except ibble and josh[ organisms in the outser atmosphere.[josh understands her.//, seomn
[somehwat.[atleast moral o0o. core 0o. [but he be impler..
ios::ios in.., zenjammin, ...ibble tyrven..[ but all the individual ood enough for her, DON"T TAKE TH E TIME TO SAY 2 words, [ibble? ...yrven, any0o. ...[ineffabelle says "it's your fault, ... [slut, shut!..[ how bout fellacio much..[n0o. he is not likke that, BUT HE HASN"T 1/2 yhe passion, the0o. the heart that she and ibble..the babie does..

[he sais its' your fault..[a rivial,, when she asks for help, an insult a trivial..[ it's your fault, you'r feeling orry for yourself,

[dummshit ! 9 years..
[pn0o.one even says a word,
no hug from ANYONE wh0o. loves for 9 ytears..

[mother died 6 years ago..

[stelpmother and father, rip to shreds, rape of the self EVERYTIME I TALK TO THEM, ..EXTREME "disgust in their tone, after she ...walks for ten miles for something, nearly passes kout had to catch a cab, ...[donna [YUK< WHAT A NAME!.. says: .. "you're so sick, WHERE DID ALL YOUR MONEY GO, loser, your'e sick!

[n0o.w you KNOW< ...

MY father knew i was going to be a physicis.../////star, incredible, they both knew years ago..[took away everything physical, [location in a millisecond, ecause she wanted to do it her way, which was better..

"if you want to go to work yoiu have .. to get dressed..[don't you understand you have to get yoiur id, don't you understand you have to do it in sequence,
as she speaks of her seminars and her peer reviewed hjournal articles, [as she speask of her work./[he stops and says "don't yoiu understand..

////ubuious, [dmascus, don't ask us! dummass....

[no she's not that smart.
he really needs to ... force her to wear her socks.
![you're such a loser..! ... .[you left before they wanted you to,

[after i left ..the house of someone raping my soul...
"god fearing they sais.." " n0 care about the self, [just like amorphedrine, you can't trust 'em, they on't care about the self,

...they ..want from you, ../"take care of your" [they don't care about the self,
s0o., we all kn0o.w we can't trust 'em..

[chl0orophile, ...green lime ONLY....////
[and the rabbit...

n0o carnivorns./v[that's is what amorphedrine aims to be, ..[but he idn't g0o. far enough, {TO ACTUALLY FEEL IT BEYOND A FEW SECONDS AT A TIME>
of signt.
[too buy asking for fellacio.."oh you "use"[a word nto in the vocabularey of we] me..yoiu l0o.ve yoiur computer more than..."[and breaks meta ethic 101.0001, ...all the time.
[picks things he poesn't l0o.ve ..and says "oh .. n0o such ing as erfection s-0o.[0oh it is impossible.. [people evolved such as we../////...."/
dmascus, DON"T ASK US..! "dumbass! ....


[she sat eating, after 10 hours of [worrying about hurting her new roomates [$400 room, that is basically not her own, ..[only 2 feet by 4 feet for her art, ... /rest their 'daughter's things everywhere./ [yet she paid $400.. / ..worrying about hurting them the wh0ol;e ..time after the wireless chip broke, and she couldn't get her data up..
//[didn't have their phone number../// ]tries looking for it, and asloig around] .. took the train the wrong way 3 times, ecause of the tension of

the sign pointing to the opposite side, ..and the stairs oming back to themselves, [ecause she was worried after ther data idn't sh0o.w [she now knoes she is not evil for mentioning....


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 12:17:34 UTC

[the ime lines.//ios::ios in

[dmascus"don't ask us" dummass!
[yuest ecause she is lthe crust oesn't ean... they on't have it 0o.
so she feels not that she is taking from another anymore by doing what she l0o.ves
[they KNOW THEY CAN D)O> IT to, while they lay down, ...they could take a single moment..
a millisecond to ee..THE wholes [holes everywhereoms.

[they don't even try.. most of the ime.
[anyway, ... by the time i got home, i was under so much stress it was incredible..[i yust needed 30 minutes to .. relax while i eat, to sit and relasx...[
and she quickly said.."get up" you'r finished.. [ .. oh, i have een worried, i have to go to bed, [YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE DOWN HERE.[the roomate...

.."[not in your room.. [no, you can't eat it in there.

// Than i gfet upstairs almost falling over, weak in my edlicate energies, ..
[and i turn on my labtop..[SHE SAID "YOUR" NOT GOING TO BE UP WITH THAT< no you are not going to do that,

[and no you are not oiong to be up all night..
[with my delicate energie,

[i said.."i''m leaving.."[i 'can't fuckiung...[i said, .."my art is the fucking best i know..[and my eta0o. is EVERYTHING..[I SAID SOMETHING
ike that.. [AND THEY SAID .."oh you're a nasty bitch, [you said 'fuck..////
[damn churdd LEECHERS, and we all kn0o.w

only ecause they are not pedofiles, only ecause they cannot see beauti, do they say "nasty bitch..///

[my step mo was on the phone and sais "you LEFT BEFORE THEY WANTED YOU TO..[do you kn0o.w ..what happened? i said..[not that it wasn't OMPLETELY irigh.
/.."i don't care.."[she never does!

listen to 1 word.
. [just "you'r such a loser,[because you left trash on your bed, [even though you're brilliant, [but all you spew is chaos, [they don't see that I CAN"T KEEP A ROOM CLEAN< WITHOUT STIMULA AROOUND ME, RANSFMORNS FOR TRANSFMORPT

ransmfornms for transmport, [she asked you bibble for 10 minutes of playing while she cleans, ....[pauli lusion rinciples

SHE KNOWS TOO MUCH TO BE IN A VACUUM OF SLOW STIMULA< she can't ..stop for a moment, or negative energies takew over out of context, ecause she is so much in the moment and erfected..[they kn0o.w she is lightuniverses etter than that, so they take over all her energie in a splitsecondd..[as rape, punishment.//[And she heard layenda playing, the spanish guitar piece she has been playing since 11..../////////////
[the speedy spanish ... piece/[look it up and listen..
//"you left before they wanted you to..

[ and ...
[i ont even say that about any0ons.
[i say "amore "phed rine"

[e says" a moreph 'e dreen.[i say what rully is.. [the beautifl of the godself, that is why i kn0o.w that anyone can treat the workd. [world like the rue: [the child that ehey all are..[and they all become..///


//project not your image of me onto amorphedrine. [i was the one wh0o. said it with beawutif.
[he sais it ometimes whith beauti, usually
[passive and not. ..lim
[a carivor, not a greenmoesn.

[only for a splitsecond at imes in the past does he ch00o.se the true highest elfs.
[n0o.w he does choose his highest self... [[but ecause he doesn't elive it can go much heigher, he doesn't tryu...
[the lime all the times.////"letter from 2096..[he oesn't compare to you bibble, i on't kn0o. why you projected yourself onto him..[and me, i was the one wh0. said "am orphedrine
" nt "amorph e drene'[dreen][true as a [aquat [alamander] salam[he has too much salamy om times for a rue......,[he yust oesn't L)O>VE IT ENOUGH TO ET RID OF THE salamy.../////

amphibian he is good..[true.. buit he never empahsises at.
AFTER I SAID .."im leaving.. [i only got half of my money back
[called my step mother the next day, she said "you left before she wanted you to!..."
[i hung up.
[spaceballs.///[it's turns to plaid, [i'll sh0o.w you the holes..
"had her? man i really had her that! ...i'll sh0o.w you..
TRY -causality [tri causality,
and yes.. [tryly shifting streets, the locations shift and how to..///mseon

[FOR THE ocket ship through inte and space.


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 12:26:42 UTC
[she now knoes she is not evil for mentioning....

"it turns to plaid, spaceball.s, [ecause OBUIOUSLY IT TURNS TO PLAID, she idn't take it way[away from them ad the mysteryr from ...///
ess0o. ....///////

[ubuiously the schoolgirl ins./winns.. [the ime lines.//ios::ios in

[dmascus"don't ask us" dummass!
[yuest ecause she is lthe crust oesn't ean... they on't have it 0o.
so she feels not that she is taking from another anymore by doing what she l0o.ves
[they KNOW THEY CAN D)O> IT to, while they lay down, ...they could take a single moment..
a millisecond to ee..THE wholes [holes everywhereoms.

[they don't even try.. most of the ime.
[anyway, ... by the time i got home, i was under so much stress it was incredible..[i yust needed 30 minutes to .. relax while i eat, to sit and relasx...[
and she quickly said.."get up" you'r finished.. [ .. oh, i have een worried, i have to go to bed, [YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE DOWN HERE.[the roomate...

.."[not in your room.. [no, you can't eat it in there.

// Than i gfet upstairs almost falling over, weak in my edlicate energies, ..
[and i turn on my labtop..[SHE SAID "YOUR" NOT GOING TO BE UP WITH THAT< no you are not going to do that,

[and no you are not oiong to be up all night..
[with my delicate energie,

[i said.."i''m leaving.."[i 'can't fuckiung...[i said, .."my art is the fucking best i know..[and my eta0o. is EVERYTHING..[I SAID SOMETHING
ike that.. [AND THEY SAID .."oh you're a nasty bitch, [you said 'fuck..////
[damn churdd LEECHERS, and we all kn0o.w

only ecause they are not pedofiles, only ecause they cannot see beauti, do they say "nasty bitch..///

[my step mo was on the phone and sais "you LEFT BEFORE THEY WANTED YOU TO.....

. [just "you'r such a loser,[because you left trash on your bed, [even though you're brilliant, [but all you spew is chaos, [they don't see that I CAN"T KEEP A ROOM CLEAN< WITHOUT STIMULA AROOUND ME, RANSFMORNS FOR TRANSFMORPT

ransmfornms for transmport, [she asked you bibble for 10 minutes of playing while she cleans, ....[pauli lusion rinciples

SHE KNOWS TOO MUCH TO BE IN A VACUUM OF SLOW STIMULA< she can't ..stop for a moment, or negative energies takew over out of context, ecause she is so much in the moment and erfected..[they kn0o.w she is lightuniverses etter than that, so they take over all her energie in a splitsecondd..[as rape, punishment.//[And she heard layenda playing, the spanish guitar piece she has been playing since 11..../////////////
[the speedy spanish ... piece/[look it up and listen..
//"you left before they wanted you to..

[ and ...
[i ont even say that about any0ons.
[i say "amore "phed rine"

[e says" a moreph 'e dreen.[i say what rully is.. [the beautifl of the godself, that is why i kn0o.w that anyone can treat the workd. [world like the rue: [the child that ehey all are..[and they all become..///


//project not your image of me onto amorphedrine. [i was the one wh0o. said it with beawutif.
[he sais it ometimes whith beauti, usually
[passive and not. ..lim
[a carivor, not a greenmoesn.

[only for a splitsecond at imes in the past does he ch00o.se the true highest elfs.
[n0o.w he does choose his highest self... [[but ecause he doesn't elive it can go much heigher, he doesn't tryu...
[the lime all the times.////"letter from 2096..[he oesn't compare to you bibble, i on't kn0o. why you projected yourself onto him..[and me, i was the one wh0. said "am orphedrine
" nt "amorph e drene'[dreen][true as a [aquat [alamander] salam[he has too much salamy om times for a rue......,[he yust oesn't L)O>VE IT ENOUGH TO ET RID OF THE salamy.../////

amphibian he is good..[true.. buit he never empahsises at.
AFTER I SAID .."im leaving.. [i only got half of my money back
[called my step mother the next day, she said "you left before she wanted you to!..."
[i hung up.
[spaceballs.///[it's turns to plaid, [i'll sh0o.w you the holes..
"had her? man i really had her that! ...i'll sh0o.w you..
TRY -causality [tri causality,
and yes.. [tryly shifting streets, the locations shift and how to..///mseon

[FOR THE ocket ship through inte and space.


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 12:44:32 UTC
and yes, PLAID... [ 0o. spO0o.t the adnverse to plaid, the plaid, ...
/// y0ou knonw... ///[scottish layw.

the scoff, it 'ill doesn't change that, [she idn't ..take .. away the mystery from them..
[back into .. the ime lines to sh0o.w you the try- tri-causal relation of time..ime lines.

[ n0o. joke, at yust the right time..///
the ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........brella! it works...[when she first wrote that, she was terrified of taking away the mystery...: [idn't say shcoolgirl, EVERYONE )O>S [loves, knows that it oes to plaid.

in the imeline, ..." n0ow, n0ow. ..when will n0o.w be then, ? soon... //[spaceballs...//
"a million, ... money..?
"NO A SHIT LOAD of [h]oney...

"the scoff..///scotty?.. cough coughly, [it was ok that you mentioned that [it turns to plaid, [you idn't sleat it from them, of course they l0o.ve it toomeosnes./[the mysteri is still heremone.s

"scottish law.... \the scoff. and i knew it "COUGH!..e'hm.! ..''kauffman../smones.
ere's more to it.."
"thscoff.." the )0rth0etis thick...

er'es more 0o. ortho..plaid, the scoff.
[the ime lines, the tugh, ... [tought tug./
[doug, in juneau was the onli one wh0o[understood trully l0o.ved e

{the adams./
//// the plaid, ..
other s..

[ ah... the best[bet!@
[even 0o., her energies on't let her stop for a moment, ...every splitsecond a gample, [such that.. it would help by 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000lightuniverses would one friend she l0o.ves [she hasn't had anyone to alk to for 9 years, ..hug her..///
...the maxes, "dmascus""don't ask us! "dummass!..

[]green not burps [=purpoles/]blue holes !..//


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:19:51 UTC
ereis much more to ..plaid that...at
... the ime lines, time lines.. ios::ios in

[she osn't ...akch [the anc, the ache [ak= the take] away the ... the isterye.. in the .. ios::sin..

[there is much more to the plaid that at. ///[if they don't see it is all the more better at,
'hatter? man i really had her that!
... [cataran over catar ack [at ar at] attack [at are [ack]at [at are ack ...ahenst the at, ...[the carack, [why onli 1 knew... and the worms 0o.
N)OL> ...

l0o. l e'hem, !
[the brail, [for the rocket hip through ime and space:
[trycausality: at yust the right ime,

the arp of .."immultananety,
...and the )rth0etisthis, the plaid...
the.0o.[i'll sh0o.w you the ori-ent.[of the n0o.w ../arp ....[the orin.
the orange andthe or -in.
"dmascus, don't ..ask .. us! ..dummass! [i'll 0o. you how to navigate ime and space..

[cedars shoe d up: ..at yust the right ime, ... /// [dotobe.
in philadelphie?
ed0philia the rue phile ..ped0forms.
... on't el me about the delphi, [they never ot it right, onli to dive in0to. e ..s 0oght at the right ime to ime..
the ime lines.
it was really a filly, a ped0file, ..a morpheins.
/ an ed0file. a d0lfy, it donned on us, [adonis, the d0lfy....//
erin [eric. of david [snyder [rubix, ..
and the spare, eric d0olfy, the ..

... the share.. [a chellan, ... chell0o.
[of the umbrellan... = the ataran, ... /// the cerebellum
[the chellum, the ..chell0o. [a mutued rumpet,
[n-0o.t for hellen,<-fuck you hellen!../smellen the same, .. idgely amorphedrien ame, ain the same ing as a chawley mane..!
[she 0owels and elephamenstsm /
kn0oles.Wh0o. wh0o. s? Whorton?
[blows, i yust aught a win, that was bad,...[no i won't ecome an amorphedrie and all into it..
Wh0o.s wh0o.s ..
she kn0o.es .
[the sneaker s suck, but they are a pimpy bl0o.ws [ they hear you, e0o.s ..[even 0o. you .. ixed your etters a moment ... 0o. far.. star e.[star stare [shared] stairs fred austerity.

evan is fucking hot.[dumb thought./[he yust L))OKS THAT WAY...[kind of a ick though..
[dummy as y0o. kn0o.w he always think s.."OH ..i only elieve in ... gay or straight oh i only elieve in ..x or y.. photographs are not realsmons.

and ... wekk;;[ his lies protrodue like..
the porpus, in the ... [tudor]
the sutre, the [neutral and the sutre, not the sudra [should do tudra] tudour!...
/troubadoo. idgeri,

the roo.. AUSTRIA and AUSTRALIA...

\the reamtime and the ocklet...
the AUSSIS. the agnostic aussis. /
AUdi .i .....
but a rabbit..!
cindarella man, JOHN NASH, had...//////

"the "i'm lines..
the time timone ..iso:ios in:..
the temptimone: ios::iso in..
the ime lines..[ut we all 0oan it.
the oans./

"omn't l00ose your sh0o.es.....
[try causality at yust the right ime, ...n0o yokel. ...[n0o.t a yoder dice-olationist.

///at the ight ime, the highest of ime.semonse.
the app... "esrimesonsmsts,

and ...
the orin..!:
the ...highlands and the einglans.//

[attack [atispher ] at] ...[the itsak satarak, [cusack]
[beware the locusts..//
freeform relocation and the umbible..

ives' a pot..[kettle a tea.../////
a spout.. a sea....///emsones.
fl0ow.er ....

[the ummmm...............brella!


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:25:54 UTC

try causality..[tri] it works.. no yoke.
n0o.t yust an 'sube

the sentimone testiiomens to time timone...
n0o. yokje.

-ermine, erline, - merlin.

/n0o. yok,e it orks, [they were all challened.smeons.
-the ot of gold is here.."pot' the orin./semons.
-the cramps " you give me fever plays..."
[the nature of the iume lines...
and the "arp ...ios::ios in.
N)o. yoke.
[at yust the ..right ime..//"had her ? man i really had her that!////

and the umpire...

they 'spot you versis the sarabellu

"[indarella man, estest ester nesh.
thank you NASH.
and our father [obbin william,


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:26:37 UTC

try causality..[tri] it works.. no yoke.
n0o.t yust an 'sube

the sentimone testiiomens to time timone...
n0o. yokje.

-ermine, erline, - merlin.

/n0o. yok,e it orks, [they were all challened.smeons.
-the ot of gold is here.."pot' the orin./semons.
-the cramps " you give me fever plays..."
[the nature of the iume lines...
and the "arp ...ios::ios in.
N)o. yoke.
[at yust the ..right ime..//"had her ? man i really had her that!////

and the umpire...

they 'spot you versis the sarabellu


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:32:37 UTC
you give me fever- the cramps..
and a sara...h ...
it yust worls. [works, n0.okeanls.
and ina..simone. nina... ////
hermeions ermione ios..

ios ios::in..
ermionnie imone imone ions.

ino simone.
"tyou ive me fever.///



Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:39:00 UTC

'real in on0logical..:
ontologicalli o: = real onl0l0goically..
the locusts 10101. [circa walnut st, 45th meridian, no i wouldn't move the copy center...![44th's meridian hom, june of [beny and 221029.] "air #0o.; acks of a fl0ooded ibible esmons.
[why would i do that..!
capus copy..

idgiean, meridian gidiean pigeouns...
pigiean, pigeons, piglets, ..[air #14 june of 44] ../ riglets, the ring .....
.... [and the rinde .. ///ios::ios in...///

[rig let's a piglet//smeons.
: ..anyway, [sorry about the VERY LAST COMMENT..


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:53:46 UTC
'real in on0logical..:
ontologicalli o: = real onl0l0goically..
the locusts 10101. 45th[]45 meridian, colt] meridian, no i wouldn't move the copy center...!, june of [beny and .0o] "air #0o.; acks of a fl0ooded ibible esmons.
[why would i do that..!
capus copy..

idgiean, meridian gidiean pigeouns...
pigiean, pigeons, piglets, ..[air #14 june of 44] ../ riglets, the ring .....
.... [and the rinde .. ///ios::ios in...///

[rig let's a piglet//smeons.
: ..anyway, [sorry about the VERY LAST COMMENT..


Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:57:50 UTC
pigeon cooing .....dink ..dink dink dink dink dink dink dink..dnk dnk ink dinki dinkidknd.dinke ekndidnks,.. dink dink dink dink dnk dnkdinkdi.
...i oo..
...coo coo



Re: cute/....reind tyrven..[n0o.w n0oone except for benjammin, ..[and daniel has said more than 2 wo paedimonic_lim October 16 2008, 13:59:17 UTC
i coo i coo..;.

she knew.


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