Re: i 0o. [i knew that this was the one i wanted to put...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 08:22:59 UTC
without continuous continuous unpredictation fl0o.w around me aof sound... [and [the $ i earn ...fromn the continuous fl0o.w [anchord while i 0o. throuhg the 0o.thre stuff that i already 0o. how to do, but are less ....[ or ere more arbitrary in appearable...// ][thjat is the [such as the easy programming work, [posting the ads ..[carrying the ads, not doing them, that is the easy part, posting them [literally, walking and posting them, and literally 'the splitsecond step in which i go to retrieve an artocle my energies were like anti-archons every splitseco[a millisecond of an '0o i am going to [wioth a tension of have to,
and litreally "tioth" eye's in his grave... and literalli i di, in anger dangerdanger i would not die or turn to anger over the babie.. by bulnerabilitoi, i do not wealt to give up my bulnerability.. in order to do what i have to do,
///all in the nature of u npredication in th e0o.osoun around me.. ...soundaround surround me in sound...//// unpredication and there is N)O> WAY IN THE UNIVERSE I WOULD EVER I IF VUP MUY PATH...
EVER ... i 0o. what i an more than anyone, but probabilitieies...throuhg the spaces etween the jumps...increases 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 .o wtimes when there is the continuusllf l0o.w of music around me...unpredicatble....
he how gfood i am ,a di ti s much better than that
Re: i 0o. [i knew that this was the one i wanted to put...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 08:26:10 UTC
unpredictabibble. [i can pay your rent...if you want ot just play near??????????????? anytime dear ear.. earcake earache ear..
i need unpredictation i need your new stimula, and well..[amorphedrine was bad bad bad...[he just doesn't kn0o.w you fucking get it..
he ain't quickenenough he ain't independenct enough......(215)789-9062 you don't get it...[i would never ever ever ever ever not iv space when i am [n]ear...
Re: i 0o. [i knew that this was the one i wanted to put...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 08:36:14 UTC
i would never ever ever ever ever not iv space when i am []ear...
you don't get it, i would do n0o.thing but give space... you don't get it, i 09o. i 0o;. i 0o.
there is n0o.thing i ewill let get in the way of my path.. [but temporal fl0o.wis ath... ...
[fl0o.w in sound around, anchord my nbound in work.. anchord my ..[anchord my bound in sound....///////// ][efore i become what i am not..[just for ew stimulae just to survi.l.I CANNOT O0oo. that, just truest your 0o.
Re: i 0o. [i knew that this was the one i wanted to put...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 08:40:35 UTC
you doget it... i don't get it...
i [was never one never woulld be one to put anything efore my 0o. path....
[there is n-00.way you wouldn't have space.. and there is n0o.way you wouldn't e able to eate ANYTHING ANYTHING don't get it, ..i can do ...anything..i just eed temporal fl0o. with my 0o.
sound in unpredictation... anchor my 0o.
Re: i 0o. [i knew that this was the one i wanted to put...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 14:27:04 UTC
[thirst wholr got deleted spontaneousli i think i'll find it though...s0o. sent you this one, that' how good it is, [you can 0o. it again, thirst 'ump thgrouhg timelines...yes, my dear...
[earache ...ming wrapped cshe l.."i knew i knew...."
yes my dear in flash..... [c shell can 0o.... can wrapp 0o.
[see: ming wrapper for flash, [in unis ios:
n0o.w you can 0o. how to do both..: [want to 0o. how to make [uniq horn] out of thin air..
"emit- eparate .. no one 0o.s the 0o. as much as i do, and althouhg you eep 'em eparated...
0o. [the rand song]
0o. [the ransong] suture
> ransome ._This.___ [haute f[mod & &&.......==. ransform [yes i wouldn't iv up my will, but i can 0o. you h0o.w to oo anything in the 0o. and h0o.w to jump ntil eventualli..
you can whorl and [uniq horn] out of thin air.. for ransom g
_.this.___..0o. ( o)
[i can 0o. you h0o. to ache everything int eh universe a art of the 0o.
not to differentiation into mixing [missing] mixing o0pposites until eens essol into sustenance... essenes.. n0o. [i can 0o. you h0o.w to 0o. to back into space....
come om.... i can 0o. you h0o.w to [ uniq horn out of thin ar
Re: i 0 i knew i knew......///////i knew i knew..o. [i knew that this was the one i wanted to put...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 14:32:51 UTC
isn't she cute...? [not as uncertain as my favourite self...not as soft /uncertain as e...//all e's...: but:
anyway,: i 0o. [that there are so many parts of the self...that obuiousli...i 0oonot want to make you feel uncomfortable..[simply because it appears as though...
though we have [as we always have.... had "friends and family in europe...
i showed you all sides, onli ecause you are beautifl [and i 0o. and i l0o. and we don't egate our aience...[and i 0o. and beau, i l0o. and can understand them...////// [but my 0o.s in my historie were just like we, could understand all of them, [but somehow we found ourselves, in this pla../////and can understand them, onli
//somehow you were surrounded, fl0o.wers everywhere...[somehow after leaving moscow...[my surroundings were strange, somehow eople did not feel they could touch me, somehow....///
dotobe of course, is not that way, hehe!:)
and i ...well no sorry, but...[not going backwards, just .u0o.know...even though e kn0o.w, even though e kn0o.w.. more than lifetimes, fl0o.wer.....///
//[and THIS CAME AFTER>...THIS A JUMP BACK IN TIME< [thirst wholr got deleted spontaneousli i think i'll find it though...s0o. sent you this one, that' how good it is, [you can 0o. it again, thirst 'ump thgrouhg timelines...yes, my dear...
[earache ...ming wrapped cshe l.."i knew i knew...."
yes my dear in flash..... [c shell can 0o.... can wrapp 0o.
Re: i 0 i knew i knew......///////i knew i knew..o. [i knew that this was the one i wanted to put...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 14:38:40 UTC
[see: ming wrapper for flash, [in unis ios:
n0o.w you can 0o. how to do both..: [want to 0o. how to make [uniq horn] out of thin air..
"emit- eparate .. no one 0o.s the 0o. as much as i do, and althouhg you eep 'em eparated...
0o. [the rand song]
0o. [the ransong] suture
> ransome ._This.___ [haute f[mod & &&.......==. ransform [yes i wouldn't iv up my will, but i can 0o. you h0o.w to oo anything in the 0o. and h0o.w to jump ntil eventualli..
you can whorl and [uniq horn] out of thin air.. for ransom g
_.this.___..0o. ( o)
[i can 0o. you h0o. to ache everything int eh universe a art of the 0o.
not to differentiation into mixing [missing] mixing o0pposites until eens essol into sustenance... essenes.. n0o. [i can 0o. you h0o.w to 0o. to back into space....
come om.... i can 0o. you h0o.w to [ uniq horn out of thin ar
stay away from stae ale christian bale amorphedrine [ale] [stay sail ale, danielsen, jum p... isan!..
why not jump..?
space is much much 0o. better...
come om......
emit- ance e-paration ransom:
for ransome [suture (mod e belien alien belief or apache
[abelim : abelian groups [lord of the in ings the nephalim [seraphi m seraphim chi chim cheri "if you are you are wise you'l isten to me, oompa loompa ...
oompa loompa ompaie be. [what will happen if you go with amorphedrine..[why e with the defall oem-ega install.. [sega][wii ...we have a wee wee... try alpha instead... [seti 0o. [but my 0o. mouses more distributed bandiwsth than seti, [what is to come from th e0o. [you kn0o.w the mice ...say much more in ...our repeating of what has been seen [than an elevator inspector..///////////////////
[you kn0o.w improbility
mice (we were really experimenting on 0o. driuk e
some make you grow shorter and the other side make you grow taller drink e ( 0o. ( o) the druid (come om
come space..... [there is n0o.thing higher than causaliti space....
//amorphedri beliefs [he is iher than logic by ignoring [
we don't egat e our aud0o. we don't egate our subtle [i kn0o.w we don't egg our subtle beggin : [begin egging] amorphedrine [does this...say's 'im iher than the most [ru dim entry] ru sirius? dim entry....[somebodi : restiform already effered to irius orm]
rude dim m entry rude di mentry: mon
mod n ransform [[lapgjh folley[ laph lap [lapping [laugh [i can't spell cause my finger don't move there] fully laugh foley d[on't waste your 'ime else you won't ine kn0o.wledge as well as .. ..... [the universe as an n-dimensional top ology unrolls...
[scot! george C. "Mon in scotty!" captain ...that' s a ..ience ist not an octor..
realy ? i 0o.t the 0o. inversion bo 0cto noah! i kn0o.e i kn0o.e i kn0o.e we got all of 'em in this...
arch -umbr..
um ..........brella! publicly viewable endless roll of t.p. unfolds ]
om s of logi: well i sa y ' ya kn0o.
is much better....than merely an ang [ya' a morphe it onli sounds oo when i say it "a morphe drine..." e says "A[sharp] more phe dreen] oo bad...for e...! i a... a morphedrine, ephedrine ...erin... ae drine.. ephedril... rin.. ing ren
fin olfen [effending gelflen] eeeeeeee? [are you a G0-d?
[offending jelflen [joffling for jel?[ya kn0o.
yoni [yogi err a you have NO IEA WHAT [beara the bear] the rue teddy [re [the ru baloon in the outer atmosphere.... teddy ballo...."um....................brella.. [njt the bevy [tire afoam's mistake.....: [ooki he wieghs evy..
evy levy "i knew i knew.... wevy ewe
no bevy [tax tas for who.. whorton?
nephilim [dallon [irritibledelusion] [edible dear idgible.. [flys high.... but we kn0o. we are light universes beyond [sideways [refering to 0o.thering featherings..
otherings [from babibirds..... by our fledglings be heard...
[we don't don't have to stop [and just refere to a dear idgible for a moment, [for we are not urging ovent... not an evan bent for hansel.. [hanself]
who[ we know we wouldn't stop at that...] we 0o. who we are...
who? whorton? whorton? ...wh0o. 0owl elephant eyelash...[elephant eyelash... spraypainted [sigh] [sp[] high high...moon ...nimoy leonard, ass....[letry le roy try . ..[][elephant eyelash
...[what happened when i randomly typed the keys...] chryice bryice not a y in '...leach [cleach clean ...[no we do not use a y in ...don't ask me to reference amorphedrine in, earache...
no fuckin 'y ' [in time... ya 'fuck ..scottish rhyme, yes that can from .... [rushmore... [his enemy was a scot] but the guy's sesy anyway..] [letry leonard nimoy ..[yes we really just diverted...
only for thyme[sage is nice parsely [ain't rhyme, ] but i don't need food, and fuck you! ....u fuck!... no fucking y in time...
[it ain't needed for thrice [lenoard nemoy [lice] if you say 'thryce, ... [just ecause e ooked like a naked emoy lice... : [leach ye ass..... [anyway, i won't talk about 'm anymore 'fuck you for saying "thryce".../[it'll break you o0pposi 'lice'... 'and we don't egate our audi0o. [we don't negate our os nose knoes we don't negate our subtl e [fuck you pose, parker...///
Re: i 0 i knew i knew......///////i knew i knew..o. [hansel, gretl hanself ...[not an 'evan' bent...paedimonic_limSeptember 24 2008, 16:06:44 UTC
HAL, yes...dave open th epod b doors.... [come in aliefalien alien[abelin fallen alien [abielian group, a belief in .....
"minmin min ming, wing... ransom: eliefalien [a
suture f(==& ==&
haute [mod & whore lace as [as hot as... [ache acheass...] imple abelief abelien roops, [abelien 'druped' duped .... aliefalien ransform spaces.. [ arch......[ions...outer atmostson's .......[atma, ghandi .... hatma..[at most ion iggy sigh on "pop!" at most .... [..we 0o. who we really are......... we 0o.. we 0o.
[you wanna be as oo as bowie ya wann aya wanna.... "you bet your life that's me.... 'outeratmosphere ear's it... everyone ear's it...... [ya kn0o.w what's coming...?
Why? no one knows... as much as i... [and the angels[agle agile angle, angles i'm.... [and i actualli 0o. es the 0o. the es the 0o. essene rolls......
[agile angles 'im oo see otheory 0o.. [toys] envoy
'i'll 0po. you's in my [if i implement muy 0o.s.... us os [anyway i 0o. what i am doing, ........" so" [we won't give out yet.... [our's is too moz def.......' onnected oo [haute suture haute mod.. "'harp' ear.... you ransform.... [haut mod..."'harp' i ransform.. hope for ransform...s you 0o. how it ...i oo.... [
come om.... come om..... come om.....
um...........brella...! [rerie mt. [erie... [transport theory "arp" 'harp...
[ransform ...: _.this___.
persephione ring... hermione ing...
aliefalien belief in .... elien or ... [belief in amorphedrine says 'i don't need to be erfe [but our's is too mos def, [mos fruvous, [moxy [== dirty amorph] [look 'em up.... mosey is frivolous, fe fole us...
minmin and famile plays [with Why? [listen to alpha and oemega, "it's in...umbr
yoni wolf l0o.
p[why keep the default oemon your 0o.s? [try with "Why" ya kn0o.w the feeling of failing [faiting a test to fall in l0o.v ? badupe minmin 0o.s the present yes we except when we need icetea[icestead] throuh icetea corporate label pee, but it's onli a buck, still icetea with lemon, and i fucking hate but minmin i don't hate me [you kn0o.w it was a jump to STOP AT MINMIN, you kn0o.w it was a jump to STOP at con quer [concur]
fin i knew i knew...." for jump through timelines...
conc concue shell.. et e? et ease..?
concue..cue me in......///
//don't fuckin' worry man, i know how to light it everywhere..! don't fucking woirry...i kn0o..w how to jump and h0o.w you can whorl...
e in the same space/time ..same place and [jump out of thin air..
[and [the $ i earn ...fromn the continuous fl0o.w [anchord while i 0o. throuhg the 0o.thre stuff that i already 0o. how to do, but are less ....[ or ere more arbitrary in appearable...//
][thjat is the [such as the easy programming work,
[posting the ads ..[carrying the ads, not doing them, that is the easy part, posting them [literally, walking and posting them,
and literally 'the splitsecond step in which i go to retrieve an artocle my energies were like anti-archons every splitseco[a millisecond of an '0o i am going to [wioth a tension
of have to,
and litreally
"tioth" eye's in his grave... and literalli i di, in anger dangerdanger i would not die or turn to anger over the babie..
by bulnerabilitoi, i do not wealt to give up my bulnerability..
in order to do what i have to do,
///all in the nature of u npredication in th e0o.osoun around me..
...soundaround surround me in sound...////
unpredication and there is N)O> WAY IN THE UNIVERSE I WOULD EVER I IF VUP MUY PATH...
EVER ...
i 0o. what i an more than anyone,
but probabilitieies...throuhg the spaces etween the jumps...increases 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
wtimes when there is the continuusllf l0o.w of music around me...unpredicatble....
he how gfood i am ,a di ti s much better than that
[i can pay your rent...if you want ot just play near???????????????
anytime dear ear..
earcake earache ear..
i need unpredictation i need your new stimula, and well..[amorphedrine was bad bad bad...[he just doesn't kn0o.w you fucking get it..
he ain't quickenenough he ain't independenct enough......(215)789-9062
you don't get it...[i would never ever ever ever ever not iv space when i am [n]ear...
you don't get it, i would do n0o.thing but give space...
you don't get it, i 09o. i 0o;. i 0o.
there is n0o.thing i ewill let get in the way of my path..
[but temporal fl0o.wis ath... ...
[fl0o.w in sound around, anchord my nbound in work..
anchord my ..[anchord my bound in sound..../////////
][efore i become what i am not..[just for ew stimulae just to survi.l.I CANNOT O0oo. that, just truest your 0o.
i [was never one never woulld be one to put anything efore my 0o.
[there is n-00.way you wouldn't have space..
and there is n0o.way you wouldn't e able to eate ANYTHING ANYTHING don't get it, ..i can do ...anything..i just eed temporal fl0o. with my 0o.
sound in unpredictation...
anchor my 0o.
come back to space.
come back om...
she's cute:
[thirst wholr got deleted spontaneousli i think i'll find it though...s0o. sent you this one, that' how good it is, [you can 0o. it again, thirst 'ump thgrouhg timelines...yes, my dear...
...ming wrapped cshe l.."i knew i knew...."
yes my dear in flash.....
[c shell can 0o.... can wrapp 0o.
[see: ming wrapper for flash, [in unis ios:
n0o.w you can 0o. how to do both..:
[want to 0o. how to make
[uniq horn] out of thin air..
"emit- eparate ..
no one 0o.s the 0o. as much as i do,
and althouhg you eep 'em eparated...
0o. [the rand song]
0o. [the ransong] suture
> ransome ._This.___
[haute f[mod &
[yes i wouldn't iv up my will, but i can 0o. you h0o.w to oo anything in the 0o. and h0o.w to jump ntil eventualli..
you can whorl and [uniq horn] out of thin air..
for ransom g
_.this.___..0o. ( o)
[i can 0o. you h0o. to ache everything int eh universe a art of the 0o.
not to differentiation into mixing [missing] mixing o0pposites until eens essol into sustenance...
[i can 0o. you h0o.w to 0o. to back into space....
come om....
i can 0o. you h0o.w to [
uniq horn out of thin ar
and whorl...
at the same...
why oemega [on defall install]
try ios::al...
try aleph...
stay away from stae ale christian bale amorphedrine [ale] [stay sail ale, danielsen, jum p... isan!..
why not jump..?
space is much much 0o. better...
come om......
i 0o. [that there are so many parts of the self...that obuiousli...i 0oonot want to make you feel uncomfortable..[simply because it appears as though...
though we have [as we always have....
had "friends and family in europe...
i showed you all sides, onli ecause you are beautifl [and i 0o. and i l0o. and we don't egate our aience...[and i 0o. and beau, i l0o. and can understand them...//////
[but my 0o.s in my historie were just like we, could understand all of them, [but somehow we found ourselves, in this pla../////and can understand them, onli
//somehow you were surrounded, fl0o.wers everywhere...[somehow after leaving moscow...[my surroundings were strange, somehow eople did not feel they could touch me, somehow....///
dotobe of course, is not that way, hehe!:)
and i ...well no sorry, but...[not going backwards, just .u0o.know...even though e kn0o.w, even though e kn0o.w..
more than lifetimes, fl0o.wer.....///
//[and THIS CAME AFTER>...THIS A JUMP BACK IN TIME< [thirst wholr got deleted spontaneousli i think i'll find it though...s0o. sent you this one, that' how good it is, [you can 0o. it again, thirst 'ump thgrouhg timelines...yes, my dear...
...ming wrapped cshe l.."i knew i knew...."
yes my dear in flash.....
[c shell can 0o.... can wrapp 0o.
n0o.w you can 0o. how to do both..:
[want to 0o. how to make
[uniq horn] out of thin air..
"emit- eparate ..
no one 0o.s the 0o. as much as i do,
and althouhg you eep 'em eparated...
0o. [the rand song]
0o. [the ransong] suture
> ransome ._This.___
[haute f[mod &
[yes i wouldn't iv up my will, but i can 0o. you h0o.w to oo anything in the 0o. and h0o.w to jump ntil eventualli..
you can whorl and [uniq horn] out of thin air..
for ransom g
_.this.___..0o. ( o)
[i can 0o. you h0o. to ache everything int eh universe a art of the 0o.
not to differentiation into mixing [missing] mixing o0pposites until eens essol into sustenance...
[i can 0o. you h0o.w to 0o. to back into space....
come om....
i can 0o. you h0o.w to [
uniq horn out of thin ar
and whorl...
at the same...
why oemega [on defall install]
try ios::al...
try aleph...
stay away from stae ale christian bale amorphedrine [ale] [stay sail ale, danielsen, jum p... isan!..
why not jump..?
space is much much 0o. better...
come om......
emit- ance e-paration
for ransome [suture (mod e belien
alien belief or apache
[abelim : abelian groups
[lord of the in ings the nephalim
[seraphi m seraphim chi chim cheri
"if you are you are wise you'l isten to me, oompa loompa ...
oompa loompa ompaie be.
[what will happen if you go with amorphedrine..[why e with the defall oem-ega install..
[sega][wii ...we have a wee wee...
alpha instead...
[seti 0o. [but my 0o. mouses more distributed bandiwsth than seti,
[what is to come from th e0o.
[you kn0o.w the mice ...say much more in ...our repeating of what has been seen [than an elevator inspector..///////////////////
[you kn0o.w improbility
mice (we were really experimenting on 0o. driuk e
some make you grow shorter and the other side make you grow taller
drink e ( 0o. ( o)
the druid
(come om
come space.....
[there is n0o.thing higher than causaliti space....
//amorphedri beliefs [he is iher than logic by ignoring [
we don't egat e our aud0o.
we don't egate our subtle
[i kn0o.w we don't egg our subtle beggin : [begin egging]
[does this...say's 'im iher than the most [ru dim entry] ru sirius? dim entry....[somebodi : restiform already effered to irius orm]
rude dim m entry
rude di mentry:
mod n ransform [[lapgjh folley[ laph lap [lapping [laugh [i can't spell cause my finger don't move there] fully
laugh foley
d[on't waste your 'ime else
you won't ine kn0o.wledge as well as .. .....
[the universe as an n-dimensional
top ology
[scot! george C. "Mon in scotty!"
captain ...that' s a ..ience ist
not an octor..
realy ? i 0o.t the 0o. inversion bo 0cto noah!
i kn0o.e i kn0o.e i kn0o.e we got all of 'em in this...
arch -umbr..
um ..........brella!
publicly viewable endless roll of t.p. unfolds ]
om s of logi: well i sa y ' ya kn0o.
is much better....than merely an ang
[ya' a morphe it onli sounds oo when i say it "a morphe drine..."
e says "A[sharp] more phe dreen] oo bad...for e...!
i a... a morphedrine, ephedrine ...erin...
ing ren
fin olfen
[effending gelflen]
[are you a G0-d?
[offending jelflen [joffling for jel?[ya kn0o.
yoni [yogi err a you have NO IEA WHAT
[beara the bear] the rue teddy
[re [the ru baloon in the outer atmosphere....
teddy ballo...."um....................brella..
[njt the bevy [tire afoam's mistake.....: [ooki he wieghs evy..
evy levy
"i knew i knew....
wevy ewe
no bevy [tax
tas for who.. whorton?
nephilim [dallon [irritibledelusion] [edible
dear idgible..
[flys high.... but we kn0o. we are light universes beyond [sideways [refering to 0o.thering
[from babibirds.....
by our fledglings be heard...
[we don't don't have to stop [and just refere to a dear idgible for a moment, [for we are not urging ovent...
not an evan bent for hansel..
fledglings ....the hen...
anyway. [otherings....
who[ we know we wouldn't stop at that...] we 0o. who we are...
whorton? ...wh0o. 0owl elephant eyelash...[elephant eyelash... spraypainted [sigh] [sp[] high high...moon
...nimoy leonard, ass....[letry le roy try . ..[][elephant eyelash
...[what happened when i randomly typed the keys...] chryice bryice not a y in '...leach [cleach clean ...[no we do not use a y in ...don't ask me to reference amorphedrine in, earache...
no fuckin 'y ' [in time... ya 'fuck ..scottish rhyme, yes that can from .... [rushmore... [his enemy was a scot] but the guy's sesy anyway..]
[letry leonard nimoy ..[yes we really just diverted...
only for thyme[sage is nice parsely [ain't rhyme, ] but i don't need food, and fuck you! ....u fuck!... no fucking y in time...
[it ain't needed for thrice [lenoard nemoy [lice] if you say 'thryce, ...
[just ecause e ooked like a naked emoy lice... :
[leach ye ass.....
[anyway, i won't talk about 'm anymore 'fuck you for saying "thryce".../[it'll break you o0pposi 'lice'... 'and we don't egate our audi0o. [we don't negate our
knoes we don't negate our subtl e
[fuck you pose, parker...///
envoy...[persemione, hemmione wine hermmione yes...,
not for time,
an elephanted eyelash...
'spraypainted spy glass...
][don't ask me to reference amorphedrine ....i'm gonna .......
ache ass...[ached lass...
i knew, i knew.....
=[we are [beyond]beyong [the gong] referencing the pat..[onli thge pitter pattern of the ....
as peter pan says....[uppies
"puptible puptible ingings what's to come from our, ...
"come in dave.....
[come in aliefalien alien[abelin fallen alien [abielian group, a belief in .....
"minmin min ming, wing...
eliefalien [a
suture f(==& ==&
[mod & whore lace as
[as hot as... [ache acheass...]
imple abelief abelien roops,
[abelien 'druped' duped .... aliefalien ransform spaces..
[ arch......[ions...outer atmostson's .......[atma, ghandi .... hatma..[at most ion iggy sigh on "pop!"
at most ....
[..we 0o. who we really are.........
we 0o.. we 0o.
[you wanna be as oo as bowie ya wann aya wanna....
"you bet your life that's me.... 'outeratmosphere ear's it...
everyone ear's it......
[ya kn0o.w what's coming...?
no one knows... as much as i...
[and the angels[agle agile angle, angles i'm.... [and i actualli 0o. es the 0o. the es the 0o. essene rolls......
[agile angles 'im oo see otheory 0o.. [toys] envoy
'i'll 0po. you's in my [if i implement muy 0o.s....
us os [anyway i 0o. what i am doing, ........" so" [we won't give out yet....
[our's is too moz def.......' onnected oo
[haute suture
haute mod.. "'harp' ear.... you ransform....
[haut mod..."'harp' i ransform..
hope for ransform...s
you 0o. how it ...i oo....
come om.... come om.....
come om.....
[rerie mt.
[transport theory "arp" 'harp...
[ransform ...:
persephione ring...
hermione ing...
aliefalien belief in ....
elien or ... [belief in amorphedrine says 'i don't need to be erfe [but our's is too mos def, [mos fruvous, [moxy [== dirty amorph] [look 'em up....
mosey is frivolous, fe fole us...
[fe fol e fole topologiue unfols.... " laffol ful us...
[persepheli us..
urmmeous hermmione persephione...
amorphe hour...
.... folly phoney telephoney aleph foleu
ewe ewe ..[leuleu! moxy if frivolous..!..
in leu of...
[laugh fully.. laffoley ...
[moxy is frivolous]
mos def!
and for our s is too..our is too moz def...
mos def...
[mos def...[ford
[prefect] why the 'el n0o.
noes kn0o.s ..\
ossible ..possum...
ausome auralass...
[dive in...the real mcCoy
moz def [ford] [ransform mod & == &&
( 0o. ( o)) ransform _.This.___ (0o. ( o))
come back om
come om.....
._This.___. ( 0o. ( o)
[envoy [on om... "jon mcEnvoy[["atonement"]] is fucking hot! [you'd lov 'him, uniq horn] out of thin air..] the cir us]
[sirus from...
"rom, ..
[r u? metase[sensesexual scixual] sensexual uniq".....
come om...
come om.....
[yes... ensei?[en say] [wax on was off...sin say!..
[captain? yes... ensein, you kn0o. i'm more a genie [in a bottle] i grant you.......................
nose[winki winki, ...genie! [ward] ...[nose winki..[you let the cat out again!....
[winkwink... ..
minque.. [Q ...[captian, but i'm a Q...! ..we cannot stand for what mere mortal's was...
caspien sea...
[homo sapien see...![sensei] ...N)OLW> don't be a reigning...abbit erin, the abbey bare n, [the habbit bear nuns ...
costello? Abid!..
"Alison....///my aim is true..
"princiess" "i, "... ahoy!...
McElvoy... now did you really think i would turn you down for an elfen?.
jelflen ..jel...
i l0o.v you ibble..
hom o0.
come om...
come in hom o0. om....
mmmmm om....
cue! your up!..
than than you are...
"i have only come here seeking kn0o.wledge what they would not teach me out at college,
[ode um............bella!
come om.
min min.... minmin..min min
ming ming...
nephalim..[nay fallen lim...///0ohoioooooooo
don't you get it, ?????
don't reference that..ubuious buious bet it..
you bed it...bulbous edit...
but i don't bed it...
i audi it..
but we we 0o. we're beyond eddy eddy[edding] seas edit...
audi 0o.
audi0o. and we trust our au0o.
but we ewe...
letter from 2096.........
come in...
oddity [the e]
owi wins..
fin the real mcCoy...
owie win..
owie win, "ewine", ayla called me.... "ewin...."
[buit it's better than that, just like you were better than prince..."[]...a0o. no nobody ' nor drinknormoney have i none...[nome]
[the gnome] amorphedrine called him that..[self...]
h0. mmmmmmmmmm...
yes it is an ....
[when goer asks you if you're a god you say "YES!"
...but like that is why 0o. ]
o 0o. ._
[anyway i'll explain it later..........
patter.== later..
[better later]
"Why? other way...
[i e.... come om....
not just for the e but for the whole whorl
jump....[humour] uncertainte
jump.... isan?
...daneilsen [intertextures [with matthew shipp, william, domakesaythin ecess
minmin and famile plays
[with Why? [listen to alpha and oemega, "it's in...umbr
yoni wolf l0o.
p[why keep the default oemon your 0o.s? [try
"Why" ya kn0o.w the feeling of failing [faiting a test to fall in l0o.v ? badupe
minmin 0o.s the present yes we except when we need icetea[icestead] throuh icetea corporate label pee, but it's onli a buck, still icetea with lemon, and i fucking hate but minmin
i don't hate me
[you kn0o.w it was a jump to STOP AT MINMIN, you kn0o.w it was a jump to STOP at con quer
i knew i knew...."
for jump through timelines...
conc concue shell.. et e?
et ease..?
concue..cue me in......///
//don't fuckin' worry man, i know how to light it everywhere..!
don't fucking woirry...i kn0o..w how to jump and h0o.w you can whorl...
e in the same space/time
..same place and [jump out of thin air..
[uniq horn
haute suture..
and ransome ._this.. 0o. (o )
the rabbit!
[abby it hit me, i me,
"hit me..."oker joker..!
rabbit! "abby....
[whore lace]..
i knew i knew......///////i knew i knew.......
into the e........
come in! come in...
whore lace..
come om...
"come om....
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